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翻訳 - トルコ語-英語 - selam canım gönderdiÄŸin mailleri tam olarak...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: トルコ語英語

カテゴリ 手紙 / 電子メール

selam canım gönderdiğin mailleri tam olarak...
原稿の言語: トルコ語

selam canım gönderdiğin mailleri tam olarak anlayamadığımdan tercüme yaptırıyorum sana gerekli cevabı yarın yazacağım seni bulunduğun zor durumdan kurtaracağım bana güvenebilirsin seni seviyorum bülent

Hi my darling,

翻訳の言語: 英語

Hi, my darling. Since I couldn't understand the emails you sent to me very well, I am having them translated. I will send the answer you requested, tomorrow. I will rescue you from that bad situation you are in. You can trust me.
I love you,
最終承認・編集者 lilian canale - 2008年 4月 17日 17:49



2008年 4月 16日 00:15

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Hi kamil,

This one is much better, however there are still a few details to correct.

"Hi, my darling. I couldn't understand the emails which you sent to me. So, I am having them translated. I will write to you tomorrow. I will rescue you from that bad situation. You can trust me.
I love you, Bülent."

If it was only one email, then the first sentence should read:

..."I couldn't understand the email which you sent to me. So I am having it translated."

2008年 4月 16日 17:50

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Kamil, please correct your text.
Thank you.

2008年 4月 16日 19:18

投稿数: 2132
Hi Lilian,
"Mailler" is plural.

you didn't translate "gerekli cevabı" and "bulunduğun".

2008年 4月 17日 02:44

投稿数: 5
thank you lilian ı love you

2008年 4月 17日 04:51

投稿数: 2132
May be :
Hi sweetheart, as I wasn’t able of precisely understanding the emails you sent to me, I have somebody make the translation. I will write you the requested answer tomorrow. I will rescue you from that bad situation you were, you can believe me. I love you.

precisely = tam olarak
requested answer = gerekli cevabı
you were = bulunduÄŸun

I have somebody make the translation : I'm not sure about this part.
Lilian, could you help please? The meaning in French is "je fais faire la traduction."

2008年 4月 17日 05:18

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Hi guys,

I guess that's it.
Miss that "bad situation you are in" is due to the fact that he will rescue her from it, so she must still be in a bad situation. Don't you think? Otherwise the sentence wouldn't make sense. If I say "you were" means that she is not in trouble anymore. So what will he be rescuing her from?
See what I mean?

2008年 4月 17日 05:21

投稿数: 2132
Yes Lilian you are right, It's ok.