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Text original - Islandès - Lifð' í mér

Estat actualText original
Aquest text està disponible en els següents idiomes: IslandèsCastellà

Categoria Cançó

Lifð' í mér
Text a traduir
Enviat per karppinen
Idioma orígen: Islandès

Lifð' í mér og ég skal lifa í þér.
Gefðu mér bestu ráðin þín.
Dag og nótt.
Því tíminn líður svo fljótt.
Mundu mig sem og orðin mín.
14 Febrer 2009 02:30

Darrer missatge


10 Abril 2009 23:56

lilian canale
Nombre de missatges: 14972
Hi Bamsa,
A bridge here, please?

CC: Bamsa

20 Abril 2009 15:27

Nombre de missatges: 1524
Hi lilian, sorry for the late reply.

The first line sound like something religious, I don't know how to form it correct in English, but here it is.

Live in me and I shall live in you.
Give me your best advices.
Day and night.
Because the time passes so quickly.
Remember me as my words.

CC: lilian canale