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311 Idioma de origen Srpski:EMA ljubavi moja!! EMA ljubavi moja!! Nedostajaces mi ovih 10 dana vise nego ikad ali cu makar za utehu poneti tvoju sliku i u srcu i u dusi tako da ce tih 10 dana proci brzo.Puno te volim i cuvaj se,nemoj da mi se nerviras i da te nerviraju drugi,a kad se to desi seti se mene i mog blesavog lica kako te ljubim i opet ces biti raspolozena:)
Puno pozdrava od Konstantina Katica potreban mi je prevod za prijateljicu Traducciones completadas EMA aşkım benim!! | |
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149 Idioma de origen Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado" Mas não há inicio nem fim Reconheço o cheiro, esse lugar. Mas não há inicio nem fim aqui. Eterna noite, noite interminável, Profano anseio,infinita dor, Deixa ver o que esta sob a luz, Interminável noite. "Anseio" significa "desejo". "Deixa ver o que esta sob o templo" ou "Me mostre o que esta sob o templo". Traducciones completadas Endless night Nox infinita | |
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134 Idioma de origen Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado" talande text The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower Traducciones completadas Herren är min klippa Dominus saxum meum est | |
28 Idioma de origen There will be peace in this place There will be peace in this place het is een uitspraak van vincent van Gogh die ik vond boven aan een text op het begreinenhof te Amsterdam (de Engelse Kerk). Het is meer een uitspraak dan een zin. Gebiedendewijs (lijkt mij).
Vriendelijk bedankt Traducciones completadas Pax hoc loco erit | |
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487 Idioma de origen You will open two accounts at the union de... Officer of administration: You will open two accounts at the union de Banques Suisse in Geneva...on Rue du Commerce. Operational funds in one box,in the other your salary...which you don't take till the mission ends...when you get what accumulates.. Also,for each of your men,you open an account for their salary... In the operational funds box... we will deposit 250,000 American dollars! You take it out,we put more in. Bring me receipts!!! Your wife receives monthly 1000 dollars in her bank account. Also,we leave messages in the box with the operational funds. This conversation is from Munich(film). Speakers talk in british-english because its scene is Israel where british-english is spoken. Comparing in portuguese,british-english is compared as europian portuguse,so i asekd europian portuguse translation.
I have a question about grammer of this text. I cannot understand the part When you get what accumulates. What will accumulate? What means his salary in this context?
P.S. I submitted same text but now i cannot find it. I did not receive any notification or message about deleting the text. If something problem occurs because of this text,please send message and ask for delete. Traducciones completadas Você irá abrir duas contas no banco de... | |
198 Idioma de origen ta polla ti kaneis?pws pernas ekei pshla me ta krya ta polla????
egw lew na ta afiseis gia ligo kairo ekeina ta merh kai na ertheis sta dika mas... gia kana mpanaki stis yperoxes thalasses tis elladitsas!!!!
steile nea sou...na sai kala kai polla filia!!! Traducciones completadas very cold los muchos | |
125 Idioma de origen Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado" Fofinha, vai lá dormir. Adoro-te ... Fofinha, vai lá dormir. Adoro-te muito e estás sempre aqui. E eu estou sempre aqui para tudo o que precisares, acredita. Beijos, dorme bem e sonha comigo. *"vai lá dormir" - não no sentido de ir dormir a algum lado, mas sim no sentido da pessoa estar a "ordenar" que a pessoa vá dormir. **"estás sempre aqui" - estás sempre presente no meu coração.
Text edited according to Sweet Dreams' suggestion, before: "Fofinha vai la dormir adorot mt e tas sepmre aki. E eu tou sempre aki pra td o ke p recisares akredita. Bjs dorme bem e sonha cmg."
Traducciones completadas Sötnos, sov lite. | |
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