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Lituaniană Mes manome, kad Jusu futbolo bateliai yra...
Mes manome, kad Jusu futbolo bateliai yra isskirtinai aukstos kokybes, todel mes norime bandyti juos pardavineti Lietuvoje.
Musu imone yra viena is Lietuvos futbolo federacijos remeju, todel turime gerus kontaktus su Lietuvoje esanciais sporto klubais bei turime gera galimybe tiesiogiai pasiulyti Jusu batelius futbolo klubams. Taip pat bendradarbiautumeme su visomis Lietuvoje esanciomis sportiniu prekiu parduotuvemis.

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Engleză We think that your football boots are...
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Germană Der Unterschied zwischen wollen ...
Der Unterschied zwischen wollen und brauchen ist Selbstkontrolle!

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Franceză La différence entre volonté et nécessité est le contrôle de soi
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Lituaniană sveikas sveikas
Sveikas, sveikas
Visai pamirsau, kad mes sita steptaklyje jau buvome. Turejau 4 bilietus i Uzsispyreles Sutramdyma, bet i tokius spektaklius galima vaikscioti ir ne karta, ar ne.
Ar jau bilietus pardaviau savo buhalterei Viktorijai, ji eis su seimyna. Na, o as negalesiu, nes busiu isvykusi.
Kaip tavo reikalai? Kita savaite busi Lietuvoje?
Koks geras kriksto tevas esi. Malacius.:)
British English

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Engleză hello hello
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Poloneză Czesc Skovbie jok sig mosz Nie pvacuj za duzo...
Czesc Skovbie jok sig mosz
Nie pvacuj za duzo dc?
Bovdzo za Tobg tgslarig
i mom moduieja ie
niebewem sig zobovrymy

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Engleză Hello sweetheart how are you?
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Lituaniană Jam vaidenasi piktos dvasios.
Jam vaidenasi piktos dvasios.

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Engleză He is haunted by evil spirits.
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Lituaniană Labai laukiu, praÅ¡au kuo greičiau iÅ¡verskite.
Šį mėnesį jūs sutiksite daug draugų, bet jais per daug nepasitikėkite. Šį mėnesį jausitės puikiai!

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Engleză I am waiting, please translate as soon as possible.
Italiană Sto aspettando, per favore traducete il più presto possibile.
Olandeză ik wacht erop alstublieft vertaal zo snel mogelijk
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Lituaniană nudausiu,viskas,pykstu,parazitas

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Engleză I'll kill you, that's it, I'm mad, you bastard
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Engleză our footwear products your bare feet from the...
our footwear products your bare feet from the harsh environment outdoors. we don`t brag and show off. we simply make footwear for rugged use, built to br extremely durable and to tackle the harsh conditions of nature. finally, our logo reflects this.

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Daneză Vores fodtøjs produkter (beskytter) dine bare fødder fra...
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Ebraicã צפון ספרד, דרום ספרד - אל רכס הפירנאים ...
3,000 מטר נחשבים כהרים צעירים יחסית (הקימוט האלפיני) והעמקים המוריקים הפזורים ביניהם נחשבים מהיפים ביבשת. טיול להרי הפירנאים הוא שילוב מרתק של תרבויות ונופים, דרכים מפותלות ושמורות מרתקות, ערים ישנות ומרכזים

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Engleză Nprth Spain, South Spain - to the Pyrenees Mountains...
Daneză Det nordlige Spanien, det sydlige Spanien - til Pyrenæerne...
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Norvegiană Du er best
Du er best

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Suedeză Du är bäst.
Daneză Du er bedst
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Engleză obesity
Sweets have long been a source of power and influence among children, but not cricketers. Not at least until the infamous jelly bean incident left an unsavoury taste on the Trent Bridge Test between England and India.

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Daneză Fedme
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Spaniolă Yo no estoy haciendo nada hoy, sí, ...
Yo no estoy haciendo nada hoy, sí, solo pensando en ti mi amor, yo te quiero aqui ahora.

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Engleză thinking of you
Daneză tænker pÃ¥ dig
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Spaniolă samtale med spanioler over msn
tienes que hablar en danes, porque no soy bien para hablar español

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Engleză You have to speak in Danish, because I'm not good enough at speaking Spanish
Daneză Samtale med spanioler over sms.
11Limba sursă11
Engleză Food is happiness. Food is love.
Food is happiness. Food is love.
Standard Arabic
Dutch (Netherlands)
French (France)
Also, for the languages that do not use the Latin alphabet (like Chinese, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, etc), I would like it if they could please be written in their own writing system. Thanks!

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Greacă Το φαγητό είναι ευτυχία. Το φαγητό είναι αγάπη.
Chineză simplificată 食物是幸福。食物是爱。
Portugheză braziliană Alimento é felicidade. Alimento é amor.
Suedeză Mat är lycka. Mat är kärlek
Cehă Jídlo je Å¡tÄ›stí. Jídlo je láska.
Italiană Alimento è felicità. Alimento è amore.
Arabă الأكل هو السعادة. الأكل هو الحب.
Olandeză Voedsel is blijdschap. Voedsel is liefde
Poloneză Jedzenie jest szczęściem. Jedzenie jest miÅ‚oÅ›ciÄ….
Ebraicã אוכל
Ucrainiană Їжа - це щастя. Їжа це кохання.
Germană Essen ist Glück. Essen ist Liebe.
Franceză Aliment est joie. Aliment est amour.
Spaniolă El alimento es felicidad. El alimento es amor.
Rusă Еда - это счастье. Еда - это любовь.
Japoneză 食べ物とは幸せ。食べ物とは愛。
Turcă Yiyecek mutluluktur. Yiyecek sevgidir.
Limba latină Cibus
Coreană 먹거리는 행복입니다. 먹거리는 사랑입니다.
Hindi भोजन खुशी है। भोजन ही प्यार।
Thai อาหารคือความสุข อาหารคือความรัก
Vietnameză Thức ăn là tình yêu. Thức ăn là hạnh phúc.
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză We have polar bears and a real iceberg too! Watch...
We have polar bears and a real iceberg too! Watch the acrobatic seals at feeding time.Meet our less athletic but friendly emperor penguins. You ll love them !
beautifully - krasiv

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Bulgară Имаме полярни мечки и истински айсберг!
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Italiană Guardo il tuo profilo perchè sei una donna...
Guardo il tuo profilo perchè sei una donna molto interessante.
Il mio inglese è studierò. te lo prometto

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Engleză I keep looking at your profile
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Italiană Carissimi, un augurio sincero perchè...
un augurio sincero perchè trascorriate una Buona Santa Pasqua.
Mario e famiglia

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Bulgară Милички, най-искрено ви пожелаваме..
Croată Dragi moji, želim Vam puno sreće
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