Cucumis - Service de traduction gratuit en ligne
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Langue de départ
Portugais Invocar fogo, chamas, labareda gelo, gelado,...
fogo, chamas, labareda
gelo, gelado, frio, congelado
terra (elemento, terra (local, país, lar), terremoto
ar, vento
tempestade, furacão, tornado
Água, maremoto
luz, iluminar, trovão, raio, reluzente, brilhante
trevas, sombras, escuro
levitar, voar, abrir, empurrar, pegar
olhar, enxergar
refletir (reflexo)
Dardos, espada, lança, arco e flecha, adaga, martelo, machado
prisão, esfera, bola, manto, morte
vida, renascer, curar
alma, espirito, espectro

Traductions terminées
Latin Invocare
Langue de départ
Portuguais brésilien sandra ou mãe
sandra ou mãe

Traductions terminées
Latin sandra aut mater
Langue de départ
Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
Portuguais brésilien Deborah Pai Mãe amor eterno
Pai Mãe amor eterno
v6 poderiam me ajudar c a tradução desta frase? é para um presente do Dia das Mães. Já procurei em vários lugares. Se puderem m ajudar fikrei grata.

Traductions terminées
Latin Deborah Pater Mater aeternus amor
10Langue de départ10
Portugais Adoro-te muito
Adoro-te muito
Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti".

Please, if you haven't got the right keyboard, use the link (above) to type your text in correct Romanian (using the diacritics when required). Any translation done without using these diacritics will be refused. Thanks.

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traductions terminées
Espagnol te adoro mucho
Roumain Te ador nespus de mult
Arabe أحبّك كثيرا
Allemand Ich verehre dich sehr
Latin Adoro te multo
Turc Sana hayranım.
Français Je t'adore
Langue de départ
Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
Allemand Verschlussmutter
Ich benötige die technische Übersetzung

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traductions terminées
Français Écrou de fermeture
Portuguais brésilien Porca de fechamento
Espagnol Tuerca de cierre
Portugais Porca de fechamento
Suédois LÃ¥smutter
Norvégien LÃ¥smutter
Hongrois Anyacsavar
Danois låsemøtrik
Néerlandais afsluitingsmoer
Finnois Sulkumutteri
Polonais nakrętka
Anglais Lock nut
Italien Dado
Arabe صامولة القفل
Tchèque ZávÄ›rná matice
Langue de départ
Italien Caro zio Abdussalam Sono stato molto contento di...
Caro zio Abdussalam
Sono stato molto contento di conoscere mio cugino Feisal, ma sono dispiaciuto per non avergli dedicato tempo.
Purtroppo in questo periodo il lavoro occupa l'intera giornata.
Se avessi saputo che veniva, gli avrei consigliato di rimandare la partenza.
Ti invio i miei saluti e ti comunico che sto programmando di venire a Genan l'anno prossimo.
Ciao Massimo

Traductions terminées
Anglais Dear uncle Abdussalam
Arabe عمي العزيز عبد السلام
Langue de départ
Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
Anglais We have to acknowledge that, since the beginning...
We have to acknowledge that, since the beginning of the 20th century, the role of the ulama has changed and declined, because teaching and Law have been secularized. More over, it was a challenge, all this time, for the ulama to adapt themselves, as they had to face the development of European philosophical ideas, and t

Traductions terminées
Arabe علينا أن نقر أنه منذ بداية...
Langue de départ
Français Le vrai bonheur ne dépend d'aucun être, d'aucun...
Le vrai bonheur ne dépend d'aucun être, d'aucun objet extérieur. Il ne dépend que de nous.
Citation du Dalaï Lama

Traductions terminées
Arabe السّعادة الحقيقية لا تتوقف على أي كائن و لا على أيّ ...
Langue de départ
Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
Turc Durumum cevrimici...beynim mesgul..ruhum...

Durumum cevrimici...beynim mesgul..ruhum hemen donecek..aklim disarda..elim tlf'da..kalbim cevrimdisi..gonlum firar'da..
ارجو ترجمتها بشكل مفهوم دون التنقيص من المعنى ..
الشكر لجهودكم...

Traductions terminées
Anglais I am on line
Arabe أنا على الخط
Langue de départ
Portugais Vinho é vida
Vinho é vida

Traductions terminées
Latin vino et vita
Langue de départ
Anglais You are delightful...
You are delightful...

Traductions terminées
Portuguais brésilien Você é delicioso
Latin delectabilis es...
Langue de départ
Portuguais brésilien 7 pecados capitais
luxúria, cobiça, inveja, ira, gula, orgulho, preguiça

Traductions terminées
Latin caput peccatu
Langue de départ
Portuguais brésilien O AMOR VENCEU O AMOR VENCE TUDO

Traductions terminées
Latin Amor concilave Amor concilave omnes
Langue de départ
Portugais " De Corpo e Alma "
" De Corpo e Alma "
Por favor, gostaria que esta esta expressão fosse traduzida para a língua Latim. Agradeço a ajuda!

Traductions terminées
Latin De corpore menteque
98Langue de départ98
Anglais Is It True? Poem from Guantánamo...
Is it true that the grass grows again after rain?
Is it true that the flowers will rise up again in the Spring?
Is it true that birds will migrate home again?
Is it true that the salmon swim back up their streams?
It is true. This is true. These are all miracles.
But is it true that one day we’ll leave Guantanamo Bay?
Is it true that one day we’ll go back to our homes?
I sail in my dreams. I am dreaming of home.
To be with my children, each one part of me;
To be with my wife and the ones that I love;
To be with my parents, my world’s tenderness hearts.
I dream to be home, to be free from this cage.
But do you hear me, oh Judge, do you hear me at all?
We are innocent, here, we’ve committed no crime.
Set me free, set us free, if anywhere still
by Osama Abu Kadir

Traductions terminées
Arabe هل صحيح ؟ شعر من غوانتانامو...
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