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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - seni özledim gittiğin her yerde özlemin var...

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Catégorie Poésie

seni özledim gittiğin her yerde özlemin var...
Proposé par blade81
Langue de départ: Turc

seni özledim
gittiğin her yerde özlemin var
inanmıyor kalbim
sözlerime sensiz
seniz özledim
unuttuğum büyük yalan
gururumdan arta kalan
sensiz düşmen geçen zaman
seniz özledim
o kader ki
meşhur sanık
omzumda melekler tanık
içimde mektuplar yanık

I miss you

Traduit par buketnur
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

I miss you
my longing for you is everywhere you went
my heart doesn't believe
in my words without you
I miss you
The big lie that I forgot
is the remains of my pride
The time which passes without you is enemy( to me)
I miss you
It is fate which is the famous suspect
The angels on my shoulders are witnesses
The letters in my heart are burned
Commentaires pour la traduction
In original text it is "I missed you" but "I miss you" is more common in English.
"In my heart" is "inside me" in original text but it means so.
And "famous" can be "well-known"
The "letters" in the last line are the kind you find in an envelope, not an alphabet.
Dernière édition ou validation par kafetzou - 14 Août 2008 06:31

Derniers messages


10 Août 2008 07:18

Nombre de messages: 7963

your longing --> ?? (isn't it the writer's longing?)
believe to --> believe in
remains --> the remains
How did you interpret "düşmen"??
withnesses --> witnesses

Maybe you should write a note stating that the "letters" in the last line are the kind you find in an envelope, not an alphabet.

10 Août 2008 16:56

Nombre de messages: 266
I asked blade81 "düşmen". It is "düşman". And thanks

10 Août 2008 19:00

Nombre de messages: 7963
sensiz düşmen geçen zaman = sensiz düşman gibi geçen zaman?? (meaning)

Also, we still have a problem with "your longing". I think he means "my longing for you", doesn't he?

10 Août 2008 19:37

Nombre de messages: 266
Ok "my longing for you" is clearer.
"sensiz düşman geçen zaman" I translated it so " The time which passes without you is enemy ( to me)"
and now should I say " the time which passes without you like an enemy" ?

10 Août 2008 19:44

Nombre de messages: 7963
No - sorry - I didn't make it clear. I'm just trying to understand the meaning of the original so I can judge whether your translation is correct. Does it mean "düşman gibi"? I don't understand "düşman geçen".

10 Août 2008 19:46

Nombre de messages: 266
"sensiz, düşman, geçen zaman." maybe it will be clear if we write so: sensiz geçen zaman, düşman

10 Août 2008 19:48

Nombre de messages: 7963
So is SHE the enemy, or is the TIME the enemy?

10 Août 2008 19:56

Nombre de messages: 266
the time is enemy