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Traduction - Serbe-Anglais - De si diplomata? Jel znas se ti nekad setiti...

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: SerbeAnglais

Catégorie Lettre / Email - Amour / Amitié

De si diplomata? Jel znas se ti nekad setiti...
Proposé par jessicavega
Langue de départ: Serbe

De si diplomata? Jel znas se ti nekad setiti javiti? Jesi ovako mashala kao od stene odvaljen ali to nije razlog da se ne setis nekad ove nezne devojcice iz Amerike?

ps: Ako se nisi ozenio dodji da te zenim, razmisljam da se udajem, prazna kuca nigde nikoga pa i to treba popuniti, a takvog vrednog kao ti i trazim.
Commentaires pour la traduction
This text was placed on my facebook account by a third party that I don't know. I'm no longer able to contact the person and I don't know anybody that speaks the language.

Hey, diplomat, where are you?

Traduit par Roller-Coaster
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Hey, diplomat, where are you? Would you think of calling me sometime? You are a strong man, good for you, but that’s not a reason to forget this gentle girl from America.
P.S. If you are not married, come here, I’ll marry you. I’m thinking of getting married. My house is empty, there’s no one and it should be filled. I’m looking for someone hardworking like you.
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 24 Septembre 2009 12:37

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22 Septembre 2009 02:20

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Bojana

Good to see you translating

Just a few things:
big as a rock ---> a strong man (?)
the reason ---> a reason
hardworking as you ---> hardworking like you

What do you think?

22 Septembre 2009 02:26

Nombre de messages: 930
And I've changed a-->the an hour ago

I'll change it, thx. I've translated is literally (strong man) because I couldn't remember if there's proper expression in English (Yes, we say it like that in Serbian )

It's good to be back

CC: lilian canale