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Texte d'origine - Anglais - When There is More Beauty in the Contrary

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Catégorie Site web / Blog / Forum - Arts / Création / Imagination

When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Texte à traduire
Proposé par salimworld
Langue de départ: Anglais

"When There is More Beauty in the Contrary", Negar and Salim's single released on 1/1/11, is an oud and electric guitar instrumental. It is a portrayal of ancient east versus modern west.

"Combining traditionally dissimilar forces into one cohesive composition", this song reflects its composers' backgrounds in Persian contemporary and progressive rock genres.
Commentaires pour la traduction
1. "Single" = Sencillo ( )
2. "When There is More Beauty in the Contrary" is the name of a music single. But I would be thankful if the translation of the title could be also provided in parenthesis.
3. Oud is a musical instrument = (Laúd árabe)
Dernière édition par lilian canale - 13 Juin 2011 17:00

Derniers messages


27 Juin 2011 23:57

Nombre de messages: 248
Please use "Netherlands Dutch" dialect for Dutch translation