od kada si otis`o ako je pros`o dau nijenoc` da nisam radi tebe i ove situacije zaplakala o dali zuas`kako oc`ipeku i saze teku....
Note sulla traduzione
Well...I dont know if there anything wrong because I got this letter and the author have a illegible hand.....I´m so sorry =(
Also z. B. bei dem otis`o gehört eigentlich des >>` zum s weil im bosnischen haben die ja einmal normales s un einmal mit dem >>`. Ich wusst jetzt nicht wie ich des machn sollte des ging nich über dem s....
Falls ein Tag vergangen ist, dann keine Nacht, dass ich nicht deinetwegen und wegen dieser Situation geweint habe seitdem du fort bist. Ob du wohl weißt wie die Augen brennen und Tränen fließen...
Ultima convalida o modifica di Bhatarsaigh - 30 Giugno 2008 22:24
Message from Roller-Coaster:
Hey that text unfortunately can't be written in a better way. As much as I can see it means something like this:
If there's been a day or a night that I was not crying because of you and this situation, since you're gone. Do you know how my eyes are burning and how my tears are running out.
I recommend you not to translate it because it can have a bit different meaning with some very similar words. I'm sorry but I think this text will be denied soon because we're not likely to guess what the author wanted to say
Well...At first I want to thank you very much because I think this translation is correct. Thank you for your efforts! I´m so sorry if I did something wrong..I didnt want this...but thanks a million!