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Traduzione - Lituano-Inglese - givenimo aprasymas

Stato attualeTraduzione
Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: LituanoInglese

Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
givenimo aprasymas
Aggiunto da laivunas
Lingua originale: Lituano

Esu 42 metų mėsos išpjaustytojas, turintis vidurinį išsilavinimą bei 5 metų darbo patirtį šioje srytyje, dirbant UAB Norfos mažmena parduotuvėse. Anglų kalbą mokų silpnai, rusų kalbą moku laqbai gerai. Esu atsakingas bei kruopštus, tai įrodo geri darbo rezultatai. Domina mėsininko darbas užsienyje


Tradotto da ollka
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

I am a 42-year-old meat carver with a secondary education and 5 years of experience in this field, working for Norfa Ltd retail stores. My knowledge of English is poor, my Russian is very good. I am responsible and thorough, which is proved by my excellent work results. I am interested in a position as a butcher, abroad.
Ultima convalida o modifica di lilian canale - 26 Giugno 2008 19:24

Ultimi messaggi


26 Giugno 2008 13:36

lilian canale
Numero di messaggi: 14972
Hi ollka, the negative vote the translation got was about that "fair" you used for the writer's English skills. Apparently what the original says is that he barely knows English and "fair" would be a too generous adjective. Perhaps it could be:
"I don't know English well, but my Russian is very good"

What do you say?

26 Giugno 2008 15:20

Numero di messaggi: 149
Of course. I used the standard gradation: in English it's usually native-fluent-good-fair, whereas in Lithuanian that last grade is called "silpnai". Still, I'm sure there's no harm in rephrasing.