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10Traduzione - Inglese-Latino - Welcome to my daydream: ...

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Welcome to my daydream: ...
Aggiunto da salimworld
Lingua originale: Inglese

Welcome to my daydream: "Avant-garde ancient art-rock from Iran".
Note sulla traduzione
1. This is a musician's marketing slogan and the phrase in quotation describes his music style.
2. The slogan compares musician's music style to a daydream.
3. "ancient" alludes to ancient eastern music influences in his music.
4. The music specific "art rock" term for each language could be found at
For Dutch dialect please use "Dutch"

Avete cum vigilans somnio...

Tradotto da Aneta B.
Lingua di destinazione: Latino

Avete cum vigilans somnio: "Praecursoria antiqua musica rockica e Persia".
Note sulla traduzione
# Avete/ Salvete

# cum vigilans somnio, lit. 'when I dream staying away' (there's no 'daydream' in Latin)

# e Persia - it refers to the famous ancient name of the area (although Persia was much bigger). But we can translate also 'e Iran', of course.

# musica rockica = 'rock' (music) in NEOLATINA.

Ultima convalida o modifica di Aneta B. - 2 Settembre 2011 09:38