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Traduzione - Inglese-Francese - So, I think it would really fun to spend the...

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Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: IngleseFrancese

So, I think it would really fun to spend the...
Aggiunto da G87
Lingua originale: Inglese

So, I think it would really fun to spend the weekend with your friends. Much as I am not worried at all about spending the weekend with just you, Its always great to meet new people plus it would take the pressure off both us.

Je pense que ce serait sympa de

Tradotto da guigui42
Lingua di destinazione: Francese

Je pense que ce serait sympa de passer le week-end avec tes amis. Bien que je n'aie rien contre le fait de passer le week-end seulement avec toi, c'est toujours bon de rencontrer du monde, et cela nous retirerait la pression.
Ultima convalida o modifica di Francky5591 - 6 Dicembre 2006 12:35