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79 שפת המקור בקשת התרגום הזו היא עבור "משמעות בלבד". Cudno je to kako Cudno je to kako nam je za srecu potrebno malo,a jos cudnije kako nam je to malo uvek daleko תרגומים שהושלמו Het is raar | |
11 שפת המקור That’s for me! That’s for me! That's for me/Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong:
I saw you standing in the sun And you were something to see. I know what I like, and I liked what I saw And I said to myself "That's for me." "A lovely morning," I remarked, And you were quick to agree. You wanted to walk, And I nodded my head As I breathlessly said "That's for me." I left you standing under stars, The days adventures are through. There's nothing for me but the dream in my heart, And the dream in my heart, that's for you. Oh, my darling, that's for you.
That's for me/Bing Crosby:
The light-hearted gay Kind of charm you display That's for me. The wonderful sly Little trick with your eye That's for me. What a feather in my hat If I could gratify your wish; Do you like the movies, Or what is your favorite dish? The tilt of your chin, When you chuckle or grin That's for me You might as well know That wherever you go, There I'll be Just to make sure you keep your heart Alone and fancy free. No one else can have it; that's for me תרגומים שהושלמו Det är för mig! | |
425 שפת המקור בקשת התרגום הזו היא עבור "משמעות בלבד". Eczacılık mesleÄŸi ile örnek röportaj Eczacılığa kaç yaşında baÅŸladınız? 20 yaşında baÅŸladım Eczacılığı niçin seçtiniz? Çocukluk hayalimdi. Sermaye bulunca da yapmaya karar verdim. Eczacılık üzerine eÄŸitim aldınız mı? Evet. EÄŸitim aldım. OkuduÄŸunuz okullar ve bölümleri neydi? Ankara ODTÃœ üniversitesinde eczalık bölümünde eÄŸitimimi tamamladım Eczacılığı seviyor musunuz? Evet. Eczacılığa ilk baÅŸladığınızda bu kadar ilerleye bileceÄŸinizi tahmin edebildiniz mi? Evet. Ben her zaman hayallerimi büyük tuttum o yüzden bu gün buradayım. ingiliz lehçesi olsun lütfen... תרגומים שהושלמו How old were you when... | |
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176 שפת המקור Till Jonte <3 Jag mÃ¥ste fÃ¥ veta, förtjänar jag din kärlek, förtjänar jag ditt hjärta, förtjänar jag att ens säga ditt namn, höra din röst, att känna värmen av din närhet, att se ditt vackra leende, hpoppas pÃ¥ att du är min. det är en dikt till min pojkvän det är typ som frÃ¥gor תרגומים שהושלמו Tengo que saber... | |
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