Cucumis - שירות תרגום מקוון חינם
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שפת המקור
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40שפת המקור40
פורטוגזית ברזילאית Gostava de você e fiquei tanto tempo com você....
Gostava de você e fiquei tanto tempo com você. Foi a melhor pessoa que conheci aqui. Independente de qualquer coisa: amigo, namorado, amante nunca vou te esquecer.

תרגומים שהושלמו
אנגלית I liked you...
40שפת המקור40
אנגלית If all else fails, smile.
If all else fails, smile.

תרגומים שהושלמו
לטינית Si omnia cetera fallunt, subride.
40שפת המקור
בקשת התרגום הזו היא עבור "משמעות בלבד".40
יוונית Σήμερα είναι η εβδομάδα "Αγαπώ τον αδερφό μου".
Σήμερα είναι η εβδομάδα "Αγαπώ τον αδερφό μου". Αν έχεις αδερφό που σε έχει κάνει να γελάσεις, σου έχει σκουπίσει τα δάκρυα, σε έχει αγκαλιάσει, σε έχει δει να πετυχαίνεις, σε έχει δει να σκοντάφτεις βάλε αυτό στην κατάσταση σου! Αν έχεις έναν καταπληκτικό αδερφό.

תרגומים שהושלמו
ספרדית Hoy es la semana «Amo a mi hermano»
אנגלית Today is the "I love my brother" week
38שפת המקור
בקשת התרגום הזו היא עבור "משמעות בלבד".38
פורטוגזית Sopa Dourada: 500g açúcar 100g de miolo de...
Sopa Dourada:
500g açúcar
100g de miolo de amêndoa migado
100g de bolacha Maria ralada
8 ovos
2,5dl de água

Põe-se o açúcar num tacho com a água, vai ao lume e ferve até obter o ponto fio. Junta-se a amêndoa e deixa-se ferver mais um pouco.
Entretanto batem-se muito bem os ovos e por fim mistura-se a bolacha Maria. Junta-se a mistura de bolacha e ovos com a calda com a amêndoa e vai ao lume brando mexendo sempre até engrossar. Deita-se o doce numa taça e polvilha-se com canela.

תרגומים שהושלמו
אנגלית Golden soup
38שפת המקור38
טורקית poem
Cömertlikte ve yardımda akarsu gibi ol
Şevkat ve merhamette güneş gibi,
Başkalarının kusurunu örtmekte gece gibi ol,
Hiddet ve asabiyette ölü gibi,
Tevazu ve alçak gönüllülükte toprak gibi ol,
Hoşgörüde ise deniz gibi,
Ya olduğun gibi görün, ya da göründüğün gibi ol.

תרגומים שהושלמו
אנגלית appear as you are or be as you appear
רומנית arată-te aÅŸa cum eÅŸti sau fii aÅŸa cum arăţi
38שפת המקור38
אנגלית magic of love
It's magic each time we hold each other, each time we cuddle, and each time we kiss. I feel goosebumps all over again. I never want to let you go for fear of losing you, so I just hold on a little bit tighter each day, refusing to let go. You will never know the warmth I feel inside me when I'm with you. You're all I ever wanted.

תרגומים שהושלמו
פורטוגזית ברזילאית a mágica do amor
38שפת המקור38
פורטוגזית ברזילאית pagina de amigos
Como é que eu posso ser amigo
de alguém que eu tanto amei?
Se ainda existe aqui comigo
tudo dele e eu não sei.

Não sei o que eu vou fazer
para continuar a minha vida assim,
se o amor que morreu dentro dele
ainda vive em mim.

תרגומים שהושלמו
איטלקית Pagina d'amici
רומנית Pagina unor prieteni
טורקית arkadaÅŸ olmak
הונגרית Barátok lapja
אנגלית Friends' page
38שפת המקור38
שוודית Ädelost-paj
Ädelost-paj (6-8 port.)
150 g. smör
4 dl mjöl
2 msk. Vatten

Arbeta raskt ihop pajdegen, knåda ej. Kavla ut degen och fodra en rund springform (23 centimeter i diameter).

1 burk konserverade hela skalade tomater, 400 g.
140 g ädelost (T.ex. Kvibille gräddädel)
3 dl grovt riven ost (Greve’ eller liknande)
3 st. ägg
3 dl. vispgrädde
1 nypa paprikapulver

Fördela tomaterna jämt (utan spadet) ovanpå pajdegen, mosa dem lätt med en gaffel. Smula ädelosten + hälften av den rivna osten ovanpå. Vispa samman ägg + vispgrädde + en aning paprikapulver. Häll äggstanningen i formen och fördela den resterande osten överst i formen. Grädda gyllenbrun i 200 grader 50-60 min. (Täck ev. formen med aluminiumfolie de sista 20 min.)

Lycka till MÃ…ddie!

תרגומים שהושלמו
אנגלית Blue cheese pie (6-8 port.)
רומנית Plăcintă cu brânză
38שפת המקור
בקשת התרגום הזו היא עבור "משמעות בלבד".38
ספרדית me IIamo
En cualquier lugar que nos sorprenda la muerte, bienvenida sea, siempre que ese, nuestro grito de guerra, haya llegado hasta un oído receptivo y otra mano se estienda para empuñar nuestra arma, y otros hombres se apresten a entonar los cantos luctuosos, con tableteo de ametralladoras y nuevos gritos de guerra y victoria

תרגומים שהושלמו
אנגלית Anywhere that death catches us, may it be welcome
38שפת המקור
בקשת התרגום הזו היא עבור "משמעות בלבד".38
טורקית Ben herÅŸeymile seninim.Seninde herÅŸeyinle benim.
Ben herÅŸeyimle seninim. Sen de herÅŸeyinle benim.

תרגומים שהושלמו
ערבית أنا بكلي لك Ùˆ أنت بكلك لي
38שפת המקור
בקשת התרגום הזו היא עבור "משמעות בלבד".38
אנגלית there is no way to hapiness
There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.

תרגומים שהושלמו
עברית אין שום דרך לאושר...
בולגרית Няма път към щастието
38שפת המקור38
בולגרית Когато човек силно желае нещо, цялата Вселена му...
Когато човек силно желае нещо, цялата Вселена му съдейства.

תרגומים שהושלמו
איטלקית Quando una persona
לטינית Cum aliquis
38שפת המקור38
פורטוגזית ברזילאית Em algum lugar no tempo nós ainda estamos...
Em algum lugar no tempo nós ainda estamos juntos.
Essa frase é parte do refrão da música "Em algum lugar no tempo" da banda de rock Biquini Cavadão.

תרגומים שהושלמו
לטינית Alicubi tempore etiamnunc una sumus.
עברית בזמן כלשהו, אנחנו עדיין ביחד.
יוונית Κάπου στο χρόνο
קטלנית En algun lloc en el temps, nosaltres encara estem...
38שפת המקור38
פורטוגזית Oi amiga, tudo bem? Espero que sim. Quando...
Oi amiga, tudo bem? Espero que sim.

Quando você vem aqui para começarmos o trabalho pendente lá dos shows.

Minha mãe está esperando sua visita. E que você lembre-se de trazer um livro para ela.

Tenha uma boa noite de sono, e bons sonhos.

Beijos da amiga Valls ♥☺♥☻♥☺♥

Fique na páz.

תרגומים שהושלמו
גרמנית Hallo Freundin, geht's dir gut? Ich hoffe doch.
צרפתית Salut mon amie, tout va bien ? J'espère que oui. Si...
38שפת המקור38
פורטוגזית ברזילאית Compreensão

Oh Ser Guerreiro!
Da aurora vermelha
Da precisa convergência
Por que caminhas unido
À dor de tua alma?
Uma dor incompreendida!
Oh Ser Guerreiro!
Por esse caminho
Destruirás sonhos
Aniquilarás vidas
Através de um sentimento
Vão e bruto
Pois ao fim
Tudo desmoronará
Até tua dor!

תרגומים שהושלמו
אנגלית Understanding
לטינית Comprehensio
38שפת המקור38
פורטוגזית ברזילאית A justiça atrasada não é justiça, senão injustiça...
"A justiça atrasada não é justiça, senão injustiça qualificada e manifesta"

תרגומים שהושלמו
איטלקית La giustizia tardiva non è giustizia, ma ingiustizia
לטינית Tarda iustitia
אנגלית Delayed justice...
38שפת המקור38
צרפתית cette féminisation du travail se refléte jusque...
Cette féminisation du travail se refléte jusque dans la langue. Le féminin des noms de professions, longtemps fermées aux hommes, entre non seulement dans le langage courant; il y a longtemps que les étudiants disent "la prof" et non pas "madame le professeur", comme l'exigeait l'académie francaise. Ainsi, on dit aujourd'hui madame la ministre, la commissaire, la gendarme. on notera cependant, qu'à la différence du francais du Québec, le francais hexagonal ne fémininise pas des mots tel qu'écrivain,ingénieur ou professeur.

תרגומים שהושלמו
איטלקית Questa femminilizzazione del lavoro si riflette perfino...
38שפת המקור38
אנגלית Simplicity...
I believe, that life is likened to, a piece of fine crystal. It can be beautiful, or in a moments notice, be shattered, beyond repair. If you do not believe in love at first sight, believe...that perhaps, your vision is impaired. It matters not your age in life, I believe love, should be welcomed and treasured. I believe, that many of our unanswered questions, are only answered, when we are no longer, of earthly matter. I believe that some things are better kept to ones self. I believe that there are rooms in life's experience, that should not be entered. Do you believe in your God? Do you believe, that your religion is the right religion? What do you believe of the billions of people who do not believe, as you believe? I believe, it could not be, that one religion, is the true way to worship. I believe, that there is one Supreme Being. I believe this Supreme Being, is by-lingual, multi-colored and of all ethnic races. I believe He loves and blesses us all. I believe, in order for this to be a better world, it must begin with each of us trying to be better. I believe that the billions, upon billions of dollars spent on the machine of war, could better be used for poor and disenfranchised. I believe in a new days discovery. I believe, in the beauty of nature. I believe, in the kiss of the rain. I believe that true friends are rare. I believe in charity, without recognition. I believe, in extending a helping hand, to those in need. I believe, in preserving the dignity of humanity. I believe in the innocence of children. I believe that one, should let their heart, do their thinking. I believe, in the goodness of humanity. I believe, that true trust, is like interest earned, on money in a bank... it comes with the passing of time. I believe in wisdom. I believe in the beauty of a starlit sky. I believe in promises kept. I believe that America, truly is the land of opportunity. I do not believe, that most dreams come true. I do believe, that dreams can lead one to the path, of ones inner desires. I believe, that many listen, but do not hear. I believe in honesty and integrity. I believe, in a mothers love. I believe in a fathers pain. I believe, in placing ones family first. I believe that many successful people, leave in their path, countless orphans of success. I believe, when the sickness is sadness, laughter is the cure. I believe, that a good work ethic, can serve all of us well. I believe in good wine and good friends. I believe, in a time each day, to give thanks. I believe in forgiveness. I believe, if one can forgive a friend, then surely, one can forgive family. I believe in the power of the written word. I still believe in hand written letters. I believe the first cup of coffee in the morning, is the best. I's important to believe in something you care about. I believe, in sanctity of life. I believe that each day of life, is precious and a treasure of unequaled value.
Lilian, do you feel to do it or Francky.???? An American penfriend sent this to me and asked if I could have it translated.

תרגומים שהושלמו
צרפתית Ce que je crois, ce à quoi je crois, ce en quoi je crois...
38שפת המקור38
אנגלית Athenian tragedies like Antigone often present...
Athenian tragedies like Antigone often present the epic hero (that is, a character like those at the center of the
Iliad) acting and living within a society more like that of Greece in the fifth century BCE, a very different
environment from the legendary battlefields of Troy! This new context results in a kind of tragic irony:
actions which are acceptable for a Homeric hero can lead to disaster when they happen in a "modern" city.

תרגומים שהושלמו
טורקית Antigone gibi Atina trajedileri
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