demlemede kireçsiz su kullanilarak çaydanlikta iyice kaynatilmali ve dem için porselen demlik tercih edilmeli . demlige her bir bardak için i çay kasigi çayi konularak ilik su ile yikanip suzulmeli. çayin demleme suresi 10-12 dakika olmali ve yarim saat içinde tuketilmelidir .
In brewing, the water must be boiled thoroughly, using soft water, and a porcelain teapot is preferred for the brew. One spoonful of tea must be put in the teapot for each glass of tea and the tea must be washed in lukewarm water and filtered. The brewing time of the tea must be around 10 - 12 minutes and the tea must be consumed within half an hour.
Τελευταία επικύρωση ή επεξεργασία από Chantal - 4 Ιούνιος 2007 10:35
Tantine, I didn't notice this "without" before "using non lime water", I've got to erase it, haven't I? I'll do the modifications as you said.
Note that in my old dictionary "soft water" is given as "eau douce"...