5 원문 언어 Matheus Matheus Gostaria de fazer uma tatuagem com o nome do meu irmão e, como eu pesquisei em http://www.portalbrasil.net/nomes/m.htm , seu nome tem origem hebraica. Significa "dádiva de Deus" Porém o nome dele tem H e eu não sei se isso interfere na escrita hebraica. Gostaria de ajuda 완성된 번역물 מת×וס | |
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387 원문 언어 In fact, the demands made by that industry for... In fact, the demands made by that industry for materials that are both light and strong has been the main force driving the development of composites. It is common now to find wing and tail sections, propellers and rotor blades made from advanced composites, along with much of the internal structure and fittings. The airframes of some smaller aircraft are made entirely from composites, as are the wing, tail and body panels of large commercial aircraft. 완성된 번역물 Faktum är att de efterfrÃ¥gningar som gjorts av industrin pÃ¥... | |
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223 원문 언어 이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다. kütük DoÄŸum 1338 olan doÄŸum tarihi miladiye çevrilmiÅŸtir.9/10/1341 olan kayıt tarihi miladiye çevrilmiÅŸtir. 5490 sayılı kanunun 39. maddesi ve Nüf. Vat. Ä°ÅŸl. Gn. Md..lüğünün 07/08/2006 tarihli oluruna dayanılarak doÄŸum tarihi tamamlama iÅŸlemi yapılmıştır. Açıklamalar bilgi 완성된 번역물 data set | |
71 원문 언어 Dzieki Mala dobrze... Dzieki Mala dobrze zdrowa oliwia bedzie sie nazywac u nas nic ciekawego pozdrowienia pa discussion sms. Grand merci pour les createurs de cette communauté, merci de me traduire ce message en français (france) que j'ai reçu d'un de mes amis en pologne.
Cordialement 완성된 번역물 Merci... | |
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249 원문 언어 DAMIAN Salut mon Damian je voulais te souhaiter un bon anniversaire et beaucoup de bonheur. Tu me manques beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup. Je pense tous les jours à toi. J'espère que l'école se passe bien. Tu es un grand garcon, maintenant. Ton tonton qui t'aime. Je serai toujours là pour toi. Je t'aime Damianek. Ton tonton. 완성된 번역물 Cześć Damian | |
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