Wieviel steile Straßen Um sich wegzuwerfen Wieviel Einsamkeiten In dieser Gesellschaft Hier ist niemand in sich selbst geschlossen Aber wenn wir auswählen könnten Gibt es eine andere Straße
italo07에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2008년 11월 9일 20:42
Soviel (better: Wieviel) Strassen remember the "Neue Deutsche Rechtschreibung" which says: Nach langem Vokal folgt ein 'ß' abzusturzen (Ü)
diesem Geselschaft sichselb Aber wenn wir können auswählen wrong word order
but Gesellschaft is neutral isn't it? Does 'dies-' become feminine just to confuse all non-native speakers?
I'm not trying to discuss it as you two obviously know what you're talking about - I just don't understand (so probably would keep on making this mistake)!
Help much appreciated!
Oh, I see you've already sorted your problem out. Actually, there shouldn't be any exceptions to this rule, as it is basic grammar. It would be really confusing if a feminine noun would suddenly become masculine regarding the pronoun