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Translation - Dutch-Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) - Baas, nette fotos heb je er op staan! ...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: DutchPortaingéilis (na Brasaíle)

Baas, nette fotos heb je er op staan! ...
Submitted by Fê
Source language: Dutch

Baas, nette fotos heb je er op staan! Waar koop je die blousjes met stropdasje? En ligt mij de volgende keer ff in als je naar brazilie gaat.. tering wat een vrouwen

Baas, legal as suas fotos!!
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle)

Translated by mulatabrazileira
Target language: Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle)

Baas, legal as suas fotos!!
Onde você compra essas blusas com gravatas???
E da próxima vez que você for ao Brasil, me explica como você faz com as despesas e mulheres,
está bem!
Validated by casper tavernello - 7 April 2008 19:15

Last messages


25 March 2008 23:52

Number of messages: 3706
"for no Brasil" -> "for ao Brasil"

2 April 2008 18:17

Number of messages: 3389
The original text asks to be informed the next time Baas will go to Brazil, then says something like 'bloody hell, look at those women!'. The translation asks instead for Baas to explain, the next time he goes, how he does that with expenses and women.