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Translation - Portuguese-English - Dr. S., envio-lhe uma foto sua do...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: PortugueseEnglish

Category Free writing

Dr. S., envio-lhe uma foto sua do...
Submitted by soniajsantos
Source language: Portuguese

Dr. S.,

envio-lhe uma foto sua do Congresso em Madrid.
estive a organizar as fotos e encontrei-a, já agora, aproveito para lhe dizer que o senhor é um excelente orador.

Com os melhores cumprimentos

S. S.
Remarks about the translation
<names abbrev.> (05/20/francky)

Dr. S.,

Translated by goncin
Target language: English

Dr. S.,

I'm sending you a picture of yours from the Congress in Madrid.

I found it while organising the pictures. I seize the opportunity to tell you that you are an excellent orator.

Best regards,

S. S.
Remarks about the translation
names abbrev.
Validated by Francky5591 - 22 May 2008 14:33

Last messages


22 May 2008 07:06

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Hi Goncin,

I just made a few changes in the middle paragraph.
I hope you agree.
Before edition:
I was organising the pictures and I have just found it. I seize the opportunity to tell you are an excellent orator.