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Translation - Turkish-English - demek istediğim arkadaş olabilirmiyiz senden çok...

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demek istediğim arkadaş olabilirmiyiz senden çok...
Submitted by halilcan28
Source language: Turkish

demek istediğim arkadaş olabilirmiyiz senden çok etkilendim...!!!gerçekten söylüyorum çok güzelsin erkek arkadaşın çok şanslı bir insan

What I meant was...

Translated by lenab
Target language: English

What I meant was: is it possible for us to be friends? I was very impressed by you!!! I really say: you are very beautiful. Your boyfriend is a very lucky person.
Validated by lilian canale - 11 February 2009 13:21

Last messages


10 February 2009 10:47

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Hi Lenab,
Perhaps "I wanted to ask:..." would be better.
Also "affected" could be: "impressed".

10 February 2009 18:12

Number of messages: 1084
Hi Lilian!
I agree with "impressed" ; but "demek istediÄŸim" I interpret to be like an explanation ("what I meant was: is it possible....)So maybe "I meant to say" instead of "wanted to say"??

10 February 2009 18:43

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
So if the line is into present, it would be better:

"What I mean is: Is it possible for us to be friends? "

in case it's past:

"What I meant was: Is it possible for us to be friends? "

10 February 2009 22:23

Number of messages: 1084
It's past. I edited accordingly.

11 February 2009 08:47

Number of messages: 17
What I mean is if we can be friends. You have impressed me very much. I'm serious. You are so beautiful and there is no doubt that your boyfriend is a very lucky person.

11 February 2009 10:59

Number of messages: 1084
"and there is no doubt that" ???? Where are the words meaning this??