E nderuar zonje, i nderuar zoteri, me lejoni qe me anen e kesaj letere t'ju ve ne dijeni per nje pune te shkelqyer artistike qe kemi arritur ta realizojme si grup artistesh. Per me teper mund te vizitoni faqet ne internet te projektit tone dhe mund te na kontaktoni serish. Pershendetje Manaxheri Projektit medialb@libero.it
Sorry, tristan, I had to remove this translation request for the text you were asking me about, as it was just a translation request done by myself in order to evaluate the French version.
Now that the original requester has got his French text, we don't need the English version any more. But about this text (hereunder) :
Le chef de projet
it would be translatable by :
"Dear sir or madam,
Please allow me, with this letter, to let you be aware of the excellent artwork you succeeded to perform as an artistic group. Moreover, you can visit pages from our project on the internet and contact us again.
The project manager
But I'm not an English expert, so that my translation may sound/look too "French" to an English expert's ears/eyes!