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11 Язык, с которого нужно перевести מזג ×”×וויר מזג ×”×וויר <Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Законченные переводы מזג ×”×וויר | |
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8 Язык, с которого нужно перевести Per favore - Impersonale Per favore Non c'è un modo più indiretto di "S'il te (vous) plaît?"?... Un "per favore" più generico e impersonale... Se c'è, però!
<Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Законченные переводы Prière de | |
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357 Язык, с которого нужно перевести Aedificare te scribis. Bene est: inveni... Aedificare te scribis. Bene est: inveni patrocinium; nam idem facio, atque id quod interest est ad mare te aedificare, ad Larium lacum me.Huius in litore plures villae meae sunt, sed duae maxime ut me delectant, ita excruciant.Altera imposita saxis lacum prospicit, altera lacum tangit.Itaque illam <<tragoediam>>, hanc appellare <<comoediam>> soleo; illam, quod quasi cothurnis, hanc , quod quasi socculis sustinetur. Законченные переводы Maisons Case | |
3 Язык, с которого нужно перевести Adir Adir Nome Proprio. Sei que em muitas linguas não traduzimos nomes proprios, tenho duvidas na lingua arabe, gostaria de saber como se escreve em arabe o nome acima.
<Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Законченные переводы أدير | |
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88 Язык, с которого нужно перевести Matériel pour chemin de fer 1/ TROPICAL HARDWOOD BEARERS 2/ TURNOUT TIMBERS 3/ LARGE SIZE RAIL TIMBERS 4/ BRIDGE AND MARINE WOOD
Il s'agit de termes relatifs au chemin fer.
<Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Законченные переводы RE:Matériel pour chemin de fer | |
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425 Язык, с которого нужно перевести scarce and wants to change his/her work... scarce and wants to change his/her work situation. The approach is training of efficient work routines Participants formulate their own individual goals with PEP but in general PEP results in that employees For more details on short and long-term results see enclosure.The PEP approach This allows continuous follow-ups and guidance from the IBT consultant.of the program participants answer a survey designed at helpingto customize the program for the group and for the individual. Evaluation
Законченные переводы Hieman sekavaa tekstiä | |
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22 Язык, с которого нужно перевести tabii ki buyur abi beklerim tabii ki buyur abi beklerim ROMENCEYE ÇEVÄ°RÄ° HAKKINDA ÖNEMLÄ° ! Lütfen metni romence diline geçerli bir ÅŸekilde (yazım, harf ve imla kurallarına uygun) tercüme ediniz. Uygun yapılmayan tercümeler reddedilecektir. Klavyenizde romence harfler yoksa http://romanian.typeit.org/ adresinden romence harfleri kullanabilirsiniz. A PROPOS DE LA TRADUCTION VERS LE ROUMAIN ABOUT TRANSLATION INTO ROMANIAN LANGUAGE Please translate this text into correct romanian language, using the romanian characters. Any translation done not using these specific characters will be refused.Thanks SVP, veuillez traduire ce texte en utilisant les caractères roumains. Toute traduction effectuée sans utiliser ces caractères spécifiques sera refusée. Merci. Vă rog să efectuaÅ£i traducerea folosind caracterele româneÅŸti, deoarece orice traducere efectuată fără acestea din urmă va fi refuzată. MulÅ£umesc. Si vous n'avez pas le clavier adéquat, utilisez ce lien/If you don't have the right keyboard, use this link / UtilizaÅ£i acest link dacă nu aveÅ£i tastatură cu caractere româneÅŸti". http://romanian.typeit.org/
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