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318 Source language Infidelidade Prezado amigo, você precisa observar mais o comportamento de sua esposa, ela está traindo você com outro homem quando viaja, encontrei os dois por duas vezes no centro da cidade e churrascaria lÃder.
Procure perguntar a outras pessoas que tem a resposta verdadeira, se não acredita. As brasileiras gostam de ser mantidas e dinheiro, enquanto aproveitam à ausência para trair.
Cuidado amigo. Vertalings gedaan Infidélité | |
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328 Source language Hava kirliliği Hava kirliliği kent yaşamını olumsuz yönde etkileyen faktörlerden biridir. Hava kirliliğinin insan, hayvan ve bitki sağlığına olan zararları, iş gücü kaybı, artan sağlık harcamaları, bakım onarım maliyetleri, temizlik, çalışma veriminin azalması gibi etkileri nedeniyle ekonomik kayıplara da neden olmaktadır. Ülkemizde NOx, CO ve HC emisyonunda taşıtların önemli rolü olduğu bilinmektedir. Vertalings gedaan air pollution | |
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226 Source language Traducere e-mail Further to our telecom we hereby would to inform you, that due to truch mechanical problems,it was imposisible to load the scheduled truck for Bucharest. Upon its repair , we will proceed with loading immediately. We will revert with loading details once available. Vertalings gedaan Traducere e-mail | |
372 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". Savez-vous déjà ce que vous demandez en général... Savez-vous déjà ce que vous demandez en général à la vie, et ce que vous attendez d'elle? À notre âge il est difficile de dire ce qu'il faut demander à la vie ou ce qu'il faut attendre d'elle. À la fin du lycée tout adolescent est capable de dire ce qu'il aimerait faire de sa vie, comment parvenir à réaliser ses choix professionnels. Moi, j'ai embrassé l'avenir, humaniste. J'aime les langues étrangères et je voudrais devenir traduteur ou, pourquoi pas, professeur de langues modernes. Vertalings gedaan Ştiţi deja ce să cereţi, în general | |
232 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". O Cabecão Cabeção,minha vizinha esta ensinando alemão. Puxa!que legal,Lalà !. Quem vai para Alemanha ver a copa pode pegar umas aulas com ela... Hã?oque tem a ver a minha vizinha com a copa ?. Uè...a copa e na Alemanha e ela ensina Alemão!. Voce nao entendeu !ela e cigana!ela ensina a ler mão! Vertalings gedaan Cabezón | |
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211 Source language menu in slovacco prosciutto crudo , prosciutto cotto , pomodoro , capperi , olive ,frutti di bosco , anans , ciliege , acciughe , prezzemolo , peperoni , carciofi , pancetta , formaggio , salsiccia , salame piccante , patate , funghi porcini , funghi , wurstel , cipolla , aglio <Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Vertalings gedaan meni na slovaÄkom | |
514 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". articles of admentment to articles of organization The indemnification and advance of expenses authorized herein shall not be exclusive to any other rights to which any manager, member officer, organizer, employee or agent may be entitled under any by-law, agreement, vote of members or disinterested managers or otherwise. The articles of Organization shall not be interpreted to limit in any manner the indemnification or right to advancement for expenses of an individual who would otherwise be entitled thereto. These Articles of Organization shall be interpreted as mandating indemnification and advancement of expenses to the extent permitted by law. Vertalings gedaan articoli di emendamento ad articoli di organizzazione | |