April i dozdot spomenite i solzite pajgaa neprekinato se rajgaa odvreme navreme samo kapkite koi setrkalaa zaedno so samo edna solza go napravija april pobogat i zemjata povlazna virovite podlaboki april i dozdot da toa bese samo proleten i kratok brz i silen ne ne licese na bura toa bese april i dozdot vo proleta.
April and the rain, the memories and the tears, they fell incessantly, they were born from time to time. Only the raindrops which were rolling together with a single tear made april richer and the earth damper, the pools deeper. April and the rain. Yes, it was only vernal and short, quick and strong. No, it didn’t look like a storm. That was april and the rain in the spring.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur lilian canale - 29 May 2008 17:19