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Translation - Kroasies-Engels - Kladno nije pobijedilo

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Category Newspapers - Sports

Kladno nije pobijedilo
Submitted by metaxa
Source language: Kroasies Translated by Maski

Kladno nije pobijedilo na svom terenu, ledu, već tri godine. Hoće li Kladno probiti lošu seriju na nedjeljnoj utakmici?

Kladno has not win

Translated by damirek
Target language: Engels

Kladno has not win on the Home Ice, for three years. Will Kladno break this bad series at the Sunday Game?
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur dramati - 17 December 2007 16:18

Last messages


16 December 2007 14:08

Number of messages: 249
Correction:"Kladno has not won a game on its domestic ice terrain for three years. Will Kladno break the bad series at the Sunday Game?"

Original:"Kladno has not win on the Home Ice, for three years. Will Kladno break this bad series at the Sunday Game?"

17 December 2007 16:17

Number of messages: 972
I am going to allow Home ICe instead of domestic ice simply because in English we would call it home ice and not domestic ice, and this is, after all, translated for english speakers. Thank you so much for pointing it out to us and I appreciate your important feedback.

17 December 2007 18:24

Number of messages: 1335
but... has not win?? I thought present perfect tense was always with past participle..