Selam güzelim. Sen tükürdüğünü yalamazsın biliyorum. Ben de öyleyim. Sadece sanal arkadaş olarak kalalım. Bana uyar. Yine de daha önce söylediğim gibi: "Gönül kapım açıktır, sormadan gir içeri" Ben seninle herşeye varım. Bilmem anlatabildim mi? İmza "VEFALI ERKEK"
Remarks about the translation
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Hi my sweet. I know that you won't back down. I'm the same way. Let's just stay virtual friends. That's fine with me. Nevertheless, it's the way I said before: "The door to my heart is open - you can enter without asking." I'm up for anything with you. I don't know if was able to make myself understood. Signed "LOYAL MAN"
Hi kafetzou,
I just want to make some points clear:
Bana uyar = it suits me
ben de öyleyim = I'm like that too
Yine de daha önce söylediğim gibi = nevertheless, as I said before/earlier
sormadan gir içeri = enter without asking
seninle = with you (like you=senin gibi)
As far as ı know 'turn so. on' has some different meanings(i.e., to become excited or to be/cause interested in something) namely it has no relation with 'bana uyar'. also 'like you' is not correct; 'with you' should be used here.
Oh wow - several sources I looked at defined "uyarmak" as "arouse", which is why I translated it this way. It didn't occur to me that this "uyar" came from "uymak". I have changed it. Thanks, serba and handyy.