I can read some, but the level is too basic and low, as the_FD said.
My vote cannot say anything, sometimes, if I thought the translation is ok, but some of you would think it is wrong, so I dare not to say different, and follow you.
And many times, I vote approving, because before me, many of you have voted for this, if I vote against it, technically, it is no use, and frankly I have to employ my limited knowledge to tell why.
If you are wondering about why is the question at present tense, I translated from Romanian in this way :" Nu mi-i dai mie?" "¿No me los das (a mi)?" In the original is also present tense and the indirect complement is doubled, but I didn't know if in Spanish can be doubled also (if it isn't necessary " ME das A MI" ). I hope it's clear enough.