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Translation - English-Croatian - It's like trying to fly trapeze ...

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Category Song

It's like trying to fly trapeze ...
Submitted by Anacondzula
Source language: English

It's like trying to fly trapeze
It's like has-beens, gonna-bes
Ill at ease and hard to please
It's how Paris how Cologne
How even Zurich feels outgrown
It's in the way you could have known
Remarks about the translation
This is a part from the lyrics of the song "It's never gonna stop" (Milow)

To je kao pokušaj leta na trapezu

Translated by Maski
Target language: Croatian

To je kao pokušaj leta na trapezu
Kao prošlosti i budućnosti
Neugodno i teško za zadovoljiti
Kao što se Pariz i Köln
Pa čak i Zurich čine prerasli
To je u onome Å¡to si mogao znati
Validated by Maski - 15 December 2010 15:04

Last messages


16 December 2010 13:36

Number of messages: 10
hm... ne razumem sta je pisac hteo da kaze!

hvala za prevod

16 December 2010 13:47

Number of messages: 326
LoL, ni ja isto. Pokusala sam jucer svatit sta je to "To" o kojem pjeva, ali ne ide mi. Ljubav? Zivot? Supermen? Ne znam.
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