118 Мова оригіналу Для цього перекладу вимагається лише загальний зміст. Aileniz ve arkadaÅŸlarınızla Aileniz ve arkadaÅŸlarınızla paylaÅŸmak için bir ayda 500'e kadar fotoÄŸraf gönderin! Åžimdi ücretsiz Windows Live Alanınıza gidin Buraya tıkla! Завершені переклади Avec votre famille et vos amis. | |
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376 Мова оригіналу Для цього перекладу вимагається лише загальний зміст. Each time the loop is run i decreases by one. The... Each time the loop is run i decreases by one. The script between the curly braces of the for loop is run until i is less than 0.
Each time the for loop is run a letter gets added onto the rvsString string. It adds the character from the input text at the index of i. In the string ‘Hello’, H is at the index 0, e is 1, o is 4. Since i starts as the number equal to the index of the last letter, the letters get added in rvsString backwards. Завершені переклади Döngü her seferinde i'yi bir azaltarak sürdürülür... | |
109 Мова оригіналу Its adoption Its adoption and impact, however, has generally been limited by its less-than-coherent and comprehensive conceptual development. Завершені переклади onun kabul görmesi | |
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