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Переклад - Англійська-Норвезька - Buying clothes

Поточний статусПереклад
Цей текст можна переглянути такими мовами: АнглійськаНорвезька

Buying clothes
Публікацію зроблено Everett
Мова оригіналу: Англійська

I need to buy at least 5 changes of clothes, but I have no money left
Пояснення стосовно перекладу
Please translate into Bokmål

Kjøpe klær.

Переклад зроблено gamine
Мова, якою перекладати: Норвезька

Jeg trenger å kjøpe minst 5 sett klær, men jeg har ingen penger igjen.
Затверджено Hege - 1 Липня 2010 00:47

Останні повідомлення


24 Червня 2010 19:27

Кількість повідомлень: 7
I don't think "forandring" is correct here. A "change of clothes" is more like a "set," or a "shift," in the sense of wearing one set of clothing for each day. I don't know how norwegian would translate this. It might be "sett," but I'm not sure.

24 Червня 2010 23:36

Кількість повідомлень: 4611
Hello Everett. Thanks for your input. To be honest I found that word in a dictionary and you might be right, but I don't know. Do you speak Norwegien? If yes, you could help me. There are almost no Norwegian translators and I suppose you have noticed
that I'm not native so it would be nice to have someone whou could translate into Norwegian.
Will cc the Norwegian expert Hege and thanks again.

CC: Hege