You're welcome, Angelus,

but you forgot to translate what's in the title area

"what does "dac" mean? Otherwise, would you like to watch some movie at the candel lights this evening"?
-Just check wether "at the candle lights" is the right English term, this sounded weird in French too, but as it is typed "siner"

, and as the closer to "siner" is "ciné"(movies)-maybe is it some word-game with "dîner" because of the candle lights?

no way to know with these sms style messages

, and who submits a loose text gets automatically and logically an approximative translation, this is why all these sms style (or alike)

texts have to be submitted in "meaning only", as one can't demand an accurate translation from a loose text...
Cheers! (and Happy New Year 2008 if I didn't wish it to you already (I'm lost with those wishes!

) All the best for you!