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原始文本 - 英语 - In this direction finality is not sought, for it...

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讨论区 想法 - 科学

In this direction finality is not sought, for it...
提交 viric
源语言: 英语

In this direction finality is not sought, for it is apparently unattainable. All that we can say is, in the words of a leading analyst, "sufficient unto the day is the rigor thereof."
E.T.Bell wrote that. I read this cite as is, without surrounding context from the same author.
I'm most interested in the part between quotes, because I think I understand the rest.
2008年 五月 5日 19:15



2008年 五月 10日 03:07

文章总计: 115

"sufficient unto the day is the rigor thereof"

Seems that what E.T.Bell meant is that a proof, in mathematics, is good enough if it rigorously correct in the patterns of today, even if these patterns will change in the future (as it has changed through history). I think that the author of the phrase that you wrote here is just saying that he do what is possible not what would be ideal.

2008年 五月 10日 21:09

文章总计: 115
Oh yes, it is from Matthew 6:34 (King James Bible). Where the word "evil" was exchanged by the word "rigor".

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."