We use "feel well" in English or Spanish when we want to know if someone is better (perhaps recovered from an illness or something), otherwise what we use is "to be well" (estar bien)
Like when asking: "How are you?, see what I mean? We don't ask: "How do you feel?"
Is in Swedish used that way? I didn't know that. Thanks.
I don't understand your question Lilian.."Is in Swedish used that way?" Specify pleease ...
"Jag hoppas att du mår bra" can be a ordinary phrase, it can of course be used if somebody has been sick or something too. You can use it for both cases. But you can't just say "Jag hoppas du är bra".
Pia, if you say that the most natural way of greeting someone in Swedish is that, let's stay that way. The meaning is what matters, after all!
It has to be the best in the target language independently if it uses the exact words of the source. We know that is impossible most of the times.
The most common way ...hm, I don't know, because you can greet in many ways, depending on the situation. If it is just a polite greeting, I guess that "jag hoppas att du har det bra.." is maybe even better or a more common way to "write". Anyway ...you are right, this is "MEANING ONLY" and no one can missunderstand the meaning. Ok...I shall stop to babble now.