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翻訳 - ブラジルのポルトガル語-英語 - Caros amigos Robert e Michael boa noite....

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: ブラジルのポルトガル語英語

カテゴリ 手紙 / 電子メール - ビジネス / 仕事

Caros amigos Robert e Michael boa noite....
mauro santos様が投稿しました
原稿の言語: ブラジルのポルトガル語

Caros amigos Robert e Michael.
Agradecemos o email enviado e os preciosos conhecimentos que nos transmitiram. Para nós também foi um grande privilégio recebê-los aqui, em nossa Organização Militar.
O tempo de convivência foi curto, porém, muito significativo e a amizade com certeza, permanecerá.
Aguardamos o envio dos certificados de conclusão do curso. Em caso de dúvidas técnicas, escreveremos para vocês.
Por fim, lamento dizer, mas o Brasil será o campeão da próxima copa do mundo. Um forte abraço.
Tenente Mauro
Inglês britânico

Dear friends Robert and Michel.

翻訳の言語: 英語

Dear friends Robert and Michel.

We thank you the sent e-mail and the valuable knowledge you conveyed to us. It was also a great privilege to host you here, at our Military Organization.

The time we spent together was short but very significant, and our friendship will certainly last.

We will wait for the course conclusion certificates to be sent. In the case we get technical questions, we will write to you.

And finally, sorry to say, Brazil will win the next Worldcup. A strong hug.

Lieutenant Mauro.
最終承認・編集者 dramati - 2007年 12月 12日 11:21



2007年 12月 12日 10:46

投稿数: 3706

I saw you performed some minor fixes on my translation, for what I thank you.

In the third period, however, you ommitted the words "for us": "It was also for us to host...". Maybe that words would be in the wrong place, but they need to be there in order to match the original meaning.

What do you suggest?

CC: dramati