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翻訳 - トルコ語-英語 - Afganistan da ramazan’ın ilk günü Burka’lı bir...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: トルコ語英語


Afganistan da ramazan’ın ilk günü Burka’lı bir...
原稿の言語: トルコ語

Afganistan da ramazan’ın ilk günü Burka’lı bir kadın
çocuklarıyla Kabil sokaklarında dileniyor. Burka’nın
kıvrımlarında dolaşan hüzün ve yaşama sevinci
kararsızlığını görüyoruz.

Hindistan da erkekler evlenmek için kızın babasından
para alıyor sonra aldığı parayı az buluyor daha fazlasını
istemeye başlıyor eğer para ödenmezse gelin dövülüyor
ve yakılıyor ve hergün bu sebeple 5 kadın ölüyor. Her
yıl çocukken sünnet edilen kız bebekler 100 milyonu

In Afghanistan, a woman wearing a Burkha is begging...

翻訳の言語: 英語

In Afghanistan, a woman wearing a Burkha is begging for money with her children, in the streets of Kabul, on the first day of Ramadan. We are seeing the hesitation between melancholy and joy of life that is strolling in the curls of Burkha.

In India, men are paid by the fathers of the girls to marry them, then they think that the money is not enough and begin to ask for more.
If the money is not paid, the bride is beaten and burned, and every single day, 5 woman die for this reason. Every year, the number of girls who are circumcised when they are babies exceeds 100 thousand.
In the original text the last number appears as "100 million". That was obviously a mistake therefore, it was corrected to "100 thousand".
最終承認・編集者 lilian canale - 2008年 6月 2日 15:23



2008年 5月 31日 17:36

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Hi elfcan,

I've made some corrections in the second paragraph, but I think the last number is wrong. It can't be 100 million a year, perhaps it's 100 thousand (100,000)

If you agree, please edit that.

Before edits:

In India, men are paid for marriage by the fathers of the girls, then they think that the money is not enough and began to ask for more, if the money is not paid, the bride is beaten and burned, and every single day, 5 woman died for this reason. Every year, the baby girls who are circumcised when they are childs, exceeds 100 million.

2008年 5月 31日 19:05

投稿数: 16
It is said that "100 milyon", which means 100 million, not thousand. I agree with you but I can not change the number.

2008年 5月 31日 19:12

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Well that's obviously wrong.

Could you ask the requester in Turkish to confirm the number please?

2008年 5月 31日 19:35

投稿数: 16
OK, I'll let you know, when I get an answer.

2008年 6月 1日 16:13

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
I'll set a poll in the meanwhile, perhaps our users give any suggestion.

2008年 6月 1日 17:02

投稿数: 16
Well, that would be really nice, because the requester still did not answer me.

2008年 6月 1日 17:23

投稿数: 3769
in text it is 100 million.But ofcouse it is impossible.Because 31 million people are living in
lilian,you are right it's 100 thousand (100,000)

2008年 6月 1日 18:12

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
OK, so let's wait for the requester's answer until tomorrow. If he doesn't do it we still may correct the original text.
Anyway that will be solved, I hope that doesn't get any negative vote to the whole translation.

2008年 6月 2日 15:19

投稿数: 16
Sorry, the requester didn't send me an answer
Should I change the translation to "100.000" ?