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翻訳 - 英語 -ブルガリア語 - NakbaResearch - disclaimers

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: 英語 ブルガリア語スペイン語デンマーク語ポルトガル語ヘブライ語ロシア語アラビア語

この翻訳はプロジェクトNakba Research に属する।
Nakba Research

There are quite a few extensive resources of information about the horrific situation and history of Palestinians but these archives and campaigns fail to communicate the overall picture to the many uninformed people whose public opinion is needed.

The aim of this project is to translate a few striking quotations with explanations and several witness accounts reported by IFHR Mission from Gaza earlier this year into as many languages as possible

カテゴリ HP/ブログ/フォーラム - ニュース / 現在の出来事

NakbaResearch - disclaimers
原稿の言語: 英語

This website shall be regarded as biased towards solidarity and truth.

All the information provided here, collected first hand from witnesses and public documents, is not supposed to be neutral, however its content is published honestly.
These two disclaimer will be on the website and are basically saying that the website is biased with truth and opposes propaganda.

NakbaResearch - Декларация

翻訳の言語: ブルガリア語

Този сайт следва да се възприема като предубеден откъм страната на солидарността и правдата.

Цялата предоставена тук информация, придобита директно от свидетели и публични документи, не се явява неутрална и въпреки това, съдържанието е публикувано в автентичния му вид.
最終承認・編集者 ViaLuminosa - 2009年 6月 25日 00:18



2009年 6月 25日 00:01

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Hi Via, there were some edits in the original of this text. Would you please check if the translation needs to be adapted?

Thanks and sorry for the trouble

2009年 6月 25日 00:19

投稿数: 1116
Here you are, Lili.