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Übersetzung - Türkisch-Englisch - EÄŸer ilgili dosyaların ve klasörlerin izinlerini...

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Kategorie Webseite / Internet-Tagebuch / Forum - Computer / Internet

Eğer ilgili dosyaların ve klasörlerin izinlerini...
Übermittelt von dandigim
Herkunftssprache: Türkisch

Eğer ilgili dosyaların ve klasörlerin izinlerini CHMOD 777 olarak geçerli ise devam ediniz. Eğer CHMOD ayarları hatalı ise, Ftp Programınızla ilgili dosyanın veye klasörün üstüne sağ tıkladıktan sonra dosya izinlerini CHMOD 777 veya rwx-rwx-rxw olarak ayarlamanız gerekmektedir.
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CHMOD file permission settings

Übersetzt von minuet
Zielsprache: Englisch

If the permissions of the related files and folders are set as CHMOD 777 then continue. If CHMOD settings are different, then you should set the file permissions as CHMOD 777 or rwx-rwx-rxw through your FTP software by right-clicking on the file or folder.
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 6 Dezember 2008 12:00

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3 Dezember 2008 12:59

Anzahl der Beiträge: 2118
Some offers:

-- If CHMOD settings are different---> "..settings are erroneous/defective"

-- then you should set the file permissions as CHMOD 777 or rwx-rwx-rxw through your FTP software by right-clicking on the file or folder. ---> then you should set the file permission as 777 or rwx-rwx-rxw by right-clicking on the file or folder related to your FTP software.

3 Dezember 2008 20:47

Anzahl der Beiträge: 298
Hi, handyy. Thanks again for the offers. There is a small mistake in your version. The file permission is not related to FTP software. FTP software is used to set the file permissions of files and folders on a web server.

3 Dezember 2008 23:20

Anzahl der Beiträge: 2118
Well, I am confused now. I am not so good at computer or this kind of stuff. I just talk according to what is said in the text. It says "Ftp Programınızla ilgili dosyanın veye klasörün", the only conclusion that can be derived from this clause is that these files or folders are related to FTP software. ???

4 Dezember 2008 13:24

Anzahl der Beiträge: 298
You are right. I was also confused at first but then I asked that to a friend of mine who is computer engineer. I am sure of that meaning now. I think in the original text a comma would make the text more clearer. "Ftp Programınızla, ilgili dosyanın veya klasörün ..."

4 Dezember 2008 17:18

Anzahl der Beiträge: 2118
Ohh, OK then (I could vote now )