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129 Uppruna mál как е работата? Как Ñи Ð´Ð½ÐµÑ Ð»ÑŽÐ±Ð¾Ð²?Уча турÑки език малко.ЛипÑва ми ТурциÑ,обичам ТурциÑ... ЛипÑваш ми и ти,ама ако беше малко по-Ñериозен мъж....ПриÑтна работа и хубав ден! Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar Bugün nasılsın aÅŸkım? | |
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238 Uppruna mál Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". Ο συνεταιÏος του εχει φτιαξει σπιτι στην ανδÏο.... Ο συνεταιÏος του εχει φτιαξει σπιτι στην ανδÏο. Μας καλεσε κ μας ειπε ποτε θελετε να εÏθετε. Ο τομ απαντησε ή αÏχÎÏ‚ αυγουστου ή τελος αυγουστου, Ï€Ïιν ή μετά την ζαχάÏω δηλ. ΠηÏε λοιπον το σκ η γυναικα του συνεταιÏου να με Ïωτησει το σκ. Της ειπα παÏτον στην ζαχαÏω. ΣημεÏα με ξαναπαιÏνει, αν θα εÏθουμε. Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar His work partner had a house built in ... | |
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34 Uppruna mál Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". Yeah man! Yeah man, if I quit I'll lose points
traduit en francais de france
<edit> "yeh man if i quit ill loose point" with "Yeah man, if I quit I'll lose points"</edit> Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar Ouais mec! | |
311 Uppruna mál Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". Move!!!\N- Are you ok? ,Keep going! Alright guys,... Move!!!\N- Are you ok? ,Keep going! Alright guys, let's go! His stats? His blood pressure is dropping!\NHurry! He won't make it much longer! Let's go! 32 year old male, stab wound to abdomen, ,Bp is 80/60, altered mental status, massively injured. Ready? Let's get him on the table.\N1, 2, 3! We need pressure on that wound.\NWe need to stop that bleeding. Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar Taşı !!!\N Ä°yi misiniz ? | |
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167 Uppruna mál plz siz çok rahat insanlarsınız rahatlık derken umursamazlık özellikle dini konularda çok rahatlık var sizde ben bunu bir çok arapta görüyorum ama biz türkler genel olarak daha dikkatliyiz bu konularda Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar You are too indifferent people... | |
319 Uppruna mál In onore degli italiani caduti nei campi di sterminio nazisti Visitatore, osserva le vestigia di questo campo e medita: da qualunque paese tu venga, tu non sei un estraneo. Fa che il tuo viaggio non sia stato inutile, che non sia stata inutile la nostra morte. Per te e per i tuoi figli, le ceneri di Auschwitz valgano di ammonimento: fa che il frutto orrendo dell’odio, di cui hai visto qui le tracce, non dia nuovo seme, né domani né mai.
Primo Levi [Il testo è tratto da: In onore degli italiani caduti nei campi di sterminio nazisti, a cura dell’Associazione Nazionale Ex Deportati politici nei campi di sterminio nazisti, fascicolo edito per l’inaugurazione del Memoriale degli Italiani ad Auschwitz; Aprile 1980.] Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar En honor a los italianos caÃdos en los campos nazis de exterminio | |
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