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Vertimas - Anglų-Turkų - Rather than fighting big wars that she was...

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Rather than fighting big wars that she was...
Pateikta seleny
Originalo kalba: Anglų

Rather than fighting big wars that she was destined to lose and would leave her exhausted and debased like the first time this happened, Ruth was wise enough this time to look for small wins to sustain her confidence and a sense of control.

Buyuk bir savasa girmektense...

Išvertė turkuazam
Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Turkų

Ilk seferde oldugu gibi onu alçaltacağını,yorgun ve bitkin birakacaginı ve kaybedecegini bildigi buyuk savaşlara girmektense, Ruth,bu kez kontrolünü ve kendine güvenini devam ettirmek icin kucuk başarılar kollayacak kadar zekiydi.
Validated by serba - 2 rugpjūtis 2007 10:42