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344 Sprog, der skal oversættes fra This added note does two things: 1) Provides a... This added note does two things: 1) Provides a smooth descending leading tone, 2) gives the scale 8 notes. Item 1 is immediately obvious. Item 2 is not apparent until you start soloing with the scale. What the 8 notes do is give you the ability to play chord tones on all downbeats. This is important; it is the most effective way to get long phrases. For example, check out this standard Mixolydian lick: Afsluttede oversættelser Denne tillagte node gør to ting: | |
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17 Sprog, der skal oversættes fra For denne oversættelse bedes om "kun betydning". lapidis philosopharum lapidis philosopharum inicial de um livro que comprei em branco apenas com as iniciais e trata-se de um livro muiiiito antigo
<Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Afsluttede oversættelser Pedra das filósofas | |
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12 Sprog, der skal oversættes fra For denne oversættelse bedes om "kun betydning". JAG ÄLSKAR ER!! Afsluttede oversættelser Eu os amo! | |
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31 Sprog, der skal oversættes fra De mañana en mañana, te come la piraña. De mañana en mañana, te come la piraña. Afsluttede oversættelser Matin après matin, le piranha te mange De matà en matÃ, et menja la piranya matenon post mateno, vin manÄas la piranjo giorno dopo giorno Day after day, life grinds you down Zi după zi, viaÅ£a te terorizează. De manhã em manhã, te come a piranha. De manhã em manhã, a piranha come-te. | |