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Oprindelig tekst - Fransk - prendre des bains d'antikal

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Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: FranskTyrkisk

Kategori Tanker

prendre des bains d'antikal
Tekst der skal oversættes
Tilmeldt af yosun22
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Fransk

prendre des bains d'antikal
Senest redigeret af cucumis - 28 August 2007 11:36

Sidste indlæg


27 August 2007 22:36

Antal indlæg: 3706
This one is French, not Spanish.

CC: Francky5591

3 September 2007 05:08

Antal indlæg: 7963
What does it mean? I can't express an opinion on the Turkish one, because I can't understand the source text.

3 September 2007 16:24

Antal indlæg: 7963
What is antikal?

CC: Francky5591

3 September 2007 16:37

Antal indlæg: 12396
Antikal is some stuff you use for cleaning your sink, your shower,or your bath-tub, especially when you got trails due to chalky water in them. So "have baths with antikal" must be some kind of a joke, I guess, maybe because the one to whom this message is addressed complained about the water and said it was too chalky?

3 September 2007 16:56

Antal indlæg: 7963
It means "have baths"? Could it mean something like "soak it in some Antikal"?