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Teksti origjinal - Anglisht - Wife -when bound together in church life...

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Ky tekst është në dispozicion në këto gjuhë: AnglishtGjuha polake

Kategori Chat - Jeta e perditshme

Kjo kërkesë për përkthim është "Vetëm kuptimi".
Wife -when bound together in church life...
Tekst per tu perkthyer
Prezantuar nga maly.glod
gjuha e tekstit origjinal: Anglisht

Wife - when bound together in church life
dreams - I want the best, her desire
has come,
It would be nice vodka

I do not really understand the Scriptures so it is difficult to talk about it!
I do not understand what the sacred writings mean.
Vërejtje rreth përkthimit
Piszę wiadomości z osobą z innego kraju i jesteśmy skazani na język angielski. Osoba ta chyba jednak niezbyt dobrze włada tym językiem, ponieważ nie jestem w stanie przetłumaczyć niektórych jego wiadomości. Chyba, że to mój angielski jest tak słaby.
Publikuar per heren e fundit nga Lein - 23 Korrik 2010 14:48

Mesazhi i fundit


23 Korrik 2010 13:37

Numri i postimeve: 12396
Could one of you dear experts in English check this text, please?

Thanks a lot

CC: Lein lilian canale

23 Korrik 2010 14:48

Numri i postimeve: 3389
I edited

I do not really understand the Scriptures so it is difficult to talk about!
I do not understand what the sacred writings?


I do not really understand the Scriptures so it is difficult to talk about it!
I do not understand what the sacred writings mean

The rest of the text, as far as I can see, is cryptic but gramatically correct

23 Korrik 2010 14:51

Numri i postimeve: 3389
'church life' -> holy matrimony?
'Bound together' is obviously about a wife and husband; should this be corrected? (In which case 'wife' should remain the subject, not 'wife and husband'...)

23 Korrik 2010 18:34

Numri i postimeve: 3
Hmm... and I was thinking that this text isn't correct! I don't know what it means still but thanks very much for a partial explanation.

23 Korrik 2010 19:23

Numri i postimeve: 3389
You're welcome! I hope there will be someone to translate it for you soon