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Brazílska portugalčina Deus é minha luz
Deus é minha luz
significado de um nome que desejo tatuar!!!

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Arabsky الله نوري
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Španielsky vaya cara de engendro total
vaya cara de engendro total

Hotové preklady
Maďarsky Menjél, szörnypofa!
Zdrojový jazyk
Holandsky hoi mij liefste.
hoi mij liefste.
ik mis je elke dag.
ik weet niet wat ik zonder jou aan moet.

ik wil je zien ik wil je voelen.
ik lig in bed te woelen.
ik kan niet slapen.
ik kan alleen aan jou denken.

Schatje ik hou van jou.

Kus Kus Vera

Hotové preklady
Francúzsky Salut mon chéri.
Zdrojový jazyk
Turecky hayatımın unutulmaz anları,tekrar o günleri...
hayatımın unutulmaz anları,tekrar o günleri yaşayabilmek için hayatımdan vazgeçerim...

Hotové preklady
Anglicky unforgettable moments of my life
Francúzsky Les instants inoubliables
Zdrojový jazyk
Turecky "Terliklerimle gelsem sana; Sonunda aşkı bulmuş gibi!"
"Terliklerimle gelsem sana;
Sonunda aşkı bulmuş gibi!"
Ezginin Günlüğü'ne ait bir parçadan alıntı olan bu metni, ruhunu muhafaza eder haliyle İngilizce okumayı çok istediğim için çevirmen arkadaşların farklı yorumlarına sunuyorum. Gerçekten kayda değer bir varyasyonunu oluşturabildiğimi düşündüğümde ben de kendi yorumumu ekleyip sizinle paylaşacağım.

Hotové preklady
Anglicky If I come with my slippers to you.
Španielsky " Si voy hacia ti con mis pantuflas..."
Čínsky (zj.) 穿着拖鞋来找你
Zdrojový jazyk
Francúzsky hercule tua les trois chiens noirs. cesar fit...
hercule tua les trois chiens noirs.
cesar fit construire de beaux temples

Hotové preklady
Latinčina Hercule
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Česky Ahoj..
Ahoj....tak co jak se mas?Skoda ze vubec nevim co si mi psala,turecky neumim a ani nikoho neznam kdo by umel....ty asi cesky neumism vid?mej se hezky ahoj

Hotové preklady
Anglicky Hi!
Turecky Selam!
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky Korean Hostage Families Weigh Up Afghan Visit to Plea for Help
Tragic news of hostage deaths and false reports of a military rescue operation coupled with unrelenting stress and sleep deprivation have the family members of the Korean Christian hostages considering a visit to Kabul or Washington to directly plea for help.

Tragic news of hostage deaths and false reports of a military rescue operation coupled with unrelenting stress and sleep deprivation have the family members of the Korean Christian hostages considering a visit to Kabul or Washington to directly plea for help.

Options are running out for the group of 21 remaining Korean Christian hostages - who have entered their third week of captivity. Negotiations are stalled and Afghanistan has publicly refused to submit to the Taliban’s main demand – the release of rebel prisoners in exchange for the captives.

Exhausted and powerless, the families are discussing the possibility of heading to either or both the United States and Afghanistan to urge the two nations to bolster their efforts to secure the release of the hostages.

“We still lay our hope on the government’s negotiations. But we are so desperate,” said Cha Sung-min, the representative of the families and the brother of abductee Cha Hye-jin, according to The Korea Times Thursday.

“We want to visit both Kabul and Washington to directly seek their help,” he said.

Cha acknowledges that travel to Afghanistan may be impossible after South Korea asked Afghanistan to ban all its citizen from entering the country. The families have informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the South Korean government about their intention, but the government has not yet given a clear reply.

“If the visit to Afghanistan is unavailable, we may choose the U.S.,” Cha noted.
this is for articles for newspaper

Hotové preklady
Turecky Koreli rehine aileleri yardım isteği için Afganistan ‘a gitmeyi düşünüyor
Zdrojový jazyk
Brazílska portugalčina Reestruturação de cursos tecnológicos,...
Reestruturação de cursos tecnológicos, redefinindo grades e elaborando ementas
o que significa grades neste sentido?

/grades are <schedules> - caspetavernello/

Hotové preklady
Anglicky Reorganization of technology courses
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Portugalsky possivel ocorrencia de queimada nas redondezas do...
1)possivel ocorrencia de queimada nas redondezas do Ipen na parte da manha

durante a tarde.. comportamento estranho do perfil lidar.. talvez nuvens, talvez problema
com os espelhos..

These are two messages i received from a colluague from Brazil. He is talking about files of measurements in the atmosphere. Ipen and LIDAR are names not to be translated.
Thanks in advance.

Hotové preklady
Anglicky Possible fires in the outskirts of
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Švédsky jag hade en sten som du gav till mig jag fick...
jag hade en sten som du gav till
jag fick en gång en ros från dig
som jag sparade i alla tider
som jag älskade i all evighet
jag vill ha den till min skola son skickar in den till skrivbolaget

Hotové preklady
Anglicky I had a stone...
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Turecky Bende senin ellerini birakmazdim...Benim sevgilim
Bende senin ellerini birakmazdim...Benim sevgilim

Hotové preklady
Anglicky I wouldn't let go
Holandsky Ik zou je handen ook niet loslaten ... Mijn schat
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Srbsky Imam vise profesija. DZubni Tehnicar sam...
Imam vise profesija.
Diplomirani sam Zubni Tehnicar i doplomirani sam maserterapeut.
Sada trenutno radim kao maserterapeut ali vikendom vozim autobus u gradskom i medjugradskom saobracaju.
Imam osnove znanja na kompjuteru.
U oba zanimanja imam visegodisnje radno iskustvo.
Ne pusim i ne pijem.
Bavim se sportom.

Hotové preklady
Anglicky I have a few professions.I am a dental technician...
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