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Keep the tags [...] unchanged, they are replaced by other texts dynamically
Naposledy editované cucumis - 16 októbra 2005 14:22
Dear jp. I hope not to have the same problem as the last translation that i made. So there is a dynamic factor on this text too. When i selected turkish language and push the translate button the text that appears for translation was shorter than the original. I translated the every word that i saw. And this part of text was invisible:
Each translation done by a member you sent on cucumis.org through this url, will earn you additional points (5 percent of the translation cost).
So i could not see this part ( I think that it depends on dynamic variables )and i could not translate it. If you see something wrong please warn me as soon as possible. Because as everybody i can not stand make a bad work.
You made the right choice, your translation was perfect. This is dynamic tags that will be replaced by another translation. This allows to avoid translating twice texts that have already been transalted.