Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
. .

Tafsiri zilizokamilika

Lugha ya kimaumbile

Lugha inayolengwa

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Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiingereza The Hock Cart, or Harvest Home
Come, Sons of Summer, by whose toil
We are the lords of wine and oil:
By whose tough labours, and rough hands,
We rip up first, then reap our lands.
Crown'd with the ears of corn, now come,
And, to the pipe, sing Harvest Home.

Come forth, my lord, and see the cart
Drest up with all the country art.
See, here a maukin, there a sheet,
As spotless pure, as it is sweet:
The horses, mares, and frisking fillies,
Clad, all, in linen white as lilies.
The harvest swains and wenches bound
For joy, to see the Hock-Cart crown'd.
About the cart, hear, how the rout
Of rural younglings raise the shout;
Pressing before, some coming after,
Those with a shout, and these with laughter.
Some bless the cart; some kiss the sheaves;
Some prank them up with oaken leaves:
Some cross the fill-horse; some with great
Devotion, stroke the home-borne wheat:
While other rustics, less attent
To prayers, than to merriment,
Run after with their breeches rent.
--Well, on, brave boys, to your lord's hearth,
Glitt'ring with fire; where, for your mirth,
Ye shall see first the large and chief
Foundation of your feast, fat beef;
With upper stories, mutton, veal
And bacon, which makes full the meal,
With sev'ral dishes standing by,
As here a custard, there a pie,
And here, all tempting frumenty.
And for to make the merry cheer,
If smirking wine be wanting here,
There's that which drowns all care, stout beer:
Which freely drink to your lord's health
Then to the plough, the common-wealth;
Next to your flails, your fanes, your vats;
Then to the maids with wheaten hats:
To the rough sickle, and crookt scythe,--
Drink, frolic, boys, till all be blythe.
Feed, and grow fat; and as ye eat,
Be mindful, that the lab'ring neat,
As you, may have their fill of meat.
And know, besides, ye must revoke
The patient ox unto the yoke,
And all go back unto the plough
And harrow, though they're hang'd up now.
And, you must know, your lord's word's true,
Feed him ye must, whose food fills you;
And that this pleasure is like rain,
Not sent ye for to drown your pain,
But for to make it spring again.
A poetry by Robert Herrick


Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiitaliano L’ultimo carico del raccolto ovvero il canto della fine del raccolto.
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiswidi jag saknar dig,du är mitt allt
jag saknar dig,du är mitt allt

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiitaliano -
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake".
Kijapani 私は変わっていない

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiitaliano non sono cambiato
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake".
Kisabia Ja jesam u gradu, ti propostas nista, jedva cekam...
Ja jesam u gradu, ti ne propuštaš ništa, jedva čekam naše izlaske.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiitaliano Io sono in città, non ti stai perdendo niente...
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Estimados Señores:

En forma adjunta encontrará documentación extendida por la Embajada de Italia en Tegucigalpa, Honduras, en el cual se acredita la conseguinidad entre R. M. G. C. y G. G.

Solicito muy respetuosamene se me inscriba en el registro de la alcaldía a efecto de iniciar el proceso de solicitud de la nacionalidad italiana.

Agradezco desde ahora su atención, aprecio su colaboración.

<edit by="goncin" date="2008-02-15">
Names abbreviated.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiitaliano Richiesta di iscrizione e inizio del processo
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kigiriki Συνάντηση χθες το μεσημέρι σε ξενοδοχείο που...
Συνάντηση χθες το μεσημέρι σε ξενοδοχείο που ταλαιπωρήθηκα αφάνταστα να φτάσω λόγω κίνησης. Πρόβλημα στην είσοδο που το ξεπέρασα μόνος μου... Τέλος πάντων.
Άνοιξε την πόρτα ένας κορίτσαρος που με τα τακούνια σχεδόν με έφτανε στο 1.88 μου. Φάτσα χειρότερη από τις φωτογραφίες, σώμα σχεδόν ίδιο μόνο το στήθος που είναι 3+ είναι λίγο πιο πεσμένο. Για τη γλώσσα της τα είπαν οι προλαλήσαντες, το λέω και στην επικεφαλίδα.
Πολύ κεφάτη, το διασκεδάζει να σε καβλώνει και παίρνει πρωτοβουλίες.
Προτείνεται. Αν δεν ήμουν ο τύπος που του αρέσει η

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kirusi желанная всреча
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiingereza Literary-chinese-wényánwén
Literary Chinese / Wényánwén

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kibulgeri литературен китайски
Kituruki Edebi çince / Wényánwén
Kihangeri Klasszikus kínai
Kislovakia Klasická čínština
Kihispania Chino clásico (Wényánwén)
Kijerumani Klassisches Chinesich / Wényánwén
Kiarabu صيني أدبي / وينيانوين
Kisabia Klasični kineski / Wenyanwen
Kireno cha Kibrazili Chinês clássico (Wényánwén)
Kinorwe Klassisk kinesisk / wényánwén
Kirusi литературный китайский язык-путунгхуа
Kiyahudi סינית ספרותית
Kijapani 文語体中国語/文言文
Kiswidi Klassisk kinesiska / wényánwén
Kiesperanto Ĉina klasika (Wényánwén)
Kiromania Chineză literară
Kiitaliano Cinese letterale
Kiholanzi Klassiek Chinees / Wényánwén
Kipolishi Literacki - chiński - wényánwén
Kikorasia Klasicni kineski
Kialbeni Kinezishtja Letrare / Wényánwén
Kireno Chinês literário/Wényánwén
Kigiriki Κλασσικά Κινέζικα/Wényánwén
Kikorea 중국의 인간이 만든 예술 웬양웬
Kicheki Klasická čínština / wényánwén
Kideni klassisk kinesisk
Kislovenia Literary-chinese-wényánwén
Kihindi साहित्यिक चीनी
Kikatalani Xinès literari-Wenyan
Kichina kilichorahisishwa 文言文
Kiukreni Класична китайська
Kifini kiinan kirjakieli/ wényánwén
Kifaransa Chinois-littéraire-wényánwén
Kilithuania Literatūrinė kinų kalba / Wényánwén
Kiajemi چيني ادبي
Kiafrikana Literêre Sjinees/Wényánwén
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake".
Kifaransa j'avais jamais vu celle là! le feu de camps infernal
j'avais jamais vu celle là! le feu de camps infernal

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiswidi Jag hade aldrig sett den där! Elden från det helvetiska lägret
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kihispania ditas
yo bien si que me acuerdo mucho de ti, no te despediste de mi, eh? cuidate un besito guapo
yo bien si que me acuerdo mucho de ti, no te despediste de mi, eh? cuidate un besito guapo elin

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiswidi Visst, jag kommer ihåg dig väldigt väl
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake".
Kipolishi mlodsza pielegniarka
mlodsza pielegniarka
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiingereza assistant nurse
Kiswidi assisterande sjuksköterska
Lugha ya kimaumbile
Kiswidi För mig är du allt, min kärlek.
För mig är du allt, min kärlek.

Tafsiri zilizokamilika
Kiitaliano Sei tutto per me, amore mio.
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