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Traducció - Suec-Anglès - Du fÃ¥r pengar vid avhämtning. Har ändrat din...

Estat actualTraducció
Aquest text està disponible en els següents idiomes: SuecAnglès

Categoria Vida quotidiana

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Du får pengar vid avhämtning. Har ändrat din...
Enviat per Edyta223
Idioma orígen: Suec

Du får pengar vid avhämtning.
Har ändrat din beställningsstatus.
Ny status: under realisation.
Svara på mailet om du har frågor.
Notes sobre la traducció
"ändtat" --> "ändrat"
"bställnings status" --> "beställningsstatus"
Edits done by pias 080712

You will receive money when you collect your goods.

Traduït per pias
Idioma destí: Anglès

You will receive your money when the goods are picked up.
I have changed your order status.
New status: on sale.
Please reply to this e-mail if you have questions.
Darrera validació o edició per kafetzou - 16 Juliol 2008 17:46

Darrer missatge


13 Juliol 2008 05:50

Nombre de missatges: 7963
The first sentence is a little strange - shouldn't you PAY money when you get your goods?

13 Juliol 2008 08:36

Nombre de missatges: 8114
Yes, it sounds strange, but the meaning is that s/he will have money back when picking up the goods.

14 Juliol 2008 05:15

Nombre de missatges: 7963
When SHE picks up the goods, or when someone else does? Could it be "You will receive your money when the goods are picked up"?

14 Juliol 2008 11:29

Nombre de missatges: 8114
Yes kafetzou, I think so, thanks.
I'll edit to your proposal.

14 Juliol 2008 20:58

Nombre de missatges: 1670
Maybe: "You will receive your money upon collection" ? (it would at least be a more direct translation of the Swedish text, but does it sound ok, kafetzou?)

14 Juliol 2008 21:26

Nombre de missatges: 8114
Thank you Anita, I think that you are right! That is clooser to the source ...if one can write as you suggested.

15 Juliol 2008 01:08

Nombre de missatges: 7963
I think it's better as is, since the meaning is crystal clear. "upon collection" might sound more like after the funds have been collected.

15 Juliol 2008 01:28

Nombre de missatges: 1670

15 Juliol 2008 03:14

Nombre de missatges: 7963
Just one thought - could "during sale" be "sale pending"?

Also, "please answer the mail" --> "please reply to this e-mail"

15 Juliol 2008 13:01

Nombre de missatges: 8114
kafetzou, I don't know about "sale pending", (never heard that word). Is it the same as sell off, lower price? This text is about that.

Can one write "during sell off"?
I'll edit the last line.

15 Juliol 2008 16:43

Nombre de missatges: 7963
Pia, we're talking about "under realisation", right? Now I'm really confused. What does "sell off" mean? You wrote "during sale". "pending" means "during", but it's more often used in this context.

15 Juliol 2008 18:01

Nombre de missatges: 8114
Yes, it's about "under realisation".

Oh .. I understand now, that sounds good if it's more often used! I thought that it was wrong to type the word "sale". Is it ok. to just type "during sale" when the meaning for "under realisation" = during sale with reduced price?

I found "sell off" here when typing realiserar, but that is the verb for realisation, so ....I'm wrong.

15 Juliol 2008 18:12

Nombre de missatges: 1670
kafetzou, it seems that "realisation" in deed means "sale" (when the products are being sold at reduced priced) in Swedish - I have just checked it in an online dictionary, I think that´s what´s causing all the confusion :-)

15 Juliol 2008 18:30

Nombre de missatges: 8114

15 Juliol 2008 18:32

Nombre de missatges: 1670
could it be "on sale" in English?

15 Juliol 2008 18:37

Nombre de missatges: 8114
Hm, don't know, isn't there any "short word" for "during sale with reduced price"?

We say just "REA" in swedish for realisation.

15 Juliol 2008 19:42

Nombre de missatges: 7963
"on sale" is correct for "for sale at a discounted price".

16 Juliol 2008 17:45

Nombre de missatges: 7963
I change it and will re-set the voting.

16 Juliol 2008 14:51

Nombre de missatges: 8114
Thank you kafetzou and Anita for the help!!