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356 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. tyfthyugty "It's a whole school of whales!" called the second lookout. "Into the boat!" cried Captain Starbuck. Stormalong jumped from the ship into a whaling boat. The whaling boat, however, wasn't big enough for him, and there was trouble. If Stormalong hadn't been so big, he wouldn't have made a hole in the bottom of the boat. But he did! The water ran in and the sailors fell out. "You big elephant!" cried Captain Starbuck. Traductions terminées Ðа лов за китове | |
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12 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. SYStem Defender SYStem Defender <Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. Traductions terminées Øامي النظام | |
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175 Langue de départ النص الذي ÙÙŠ الØقل إني خيرتÙÙƒÙ Ùاختاري
ما بينَ الموت٠على صدري..
أو Ùوقَ دÙاتر٠أشعاري..
إختاري الØبَّ.. أو اللاØبَّ
ÙجÙبنٌ ألا تختاري..
لا توجد٠منطقةٌ وسطى
ما بينَ الجنّة٠والنارÙ.. Traductions terminées le texte qui est dans la prairie | |
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73 Langue de départ Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification. me acabo de me acabo de enamorar de ti, quieres que vaya ahora mismo a verte, dimelo que voy de cabeza Bridge by <Lilian>: "I have just fallen in love with you. Do you want me to go and see you right now?. Tell me so and I'll do it at once. Traductions terminées Belédszerettem. | |
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