Cucumis - Senkotiza tradukservo interrete
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Traduko - Albana-Angla - Si jeni ju burrat e dheut

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Tiu teksto haveblas en la sekvaj lingvoj: AlbanaAngla

Kategorio Frazo

Ĉi tiu tradukpeto estas "nur por signifo".
Si jeni ju burrat e dheut
Submetigx per vetton13
Font-lingvo: Albana

Si jeni ju burrat e dheut
Rimarkoj pri la traduko
I want to translate to the albania

How are you earthmen?

Tradukita per Macondo
Cel-lingvo: Angla

How are you earthmen?
Laste validigita aŭ redaktita de lilian canale - 1 Marto 2009 14:42

Lasta Afiŝo


28 Februaro 2009 14:36

lilian canale
Nombro da afiŝoj: 14972
Hi Macondo,

Is that a question? If so we need a question mark at the end.
Also...I think you mean "Men from Earth"

28 Februaro 2009 17:23

Nombro da afiŝoj: 35
Yes you can use a question mark at the end of course. But not necessarily is a question that needs an answer, its more like a Great Greeting!

How are you, you Men of Earth

How are you? - 1st part is a question
you Men of Earth! - 2nd part more like a great greeting, for men who are being shared a great respect, for their work, or maybe their high position.

dhe/u means soil. But it would not sound good in english if we'd say: Men of soil!
This is one the the unique albanian expressions, from which u can only understand the meaning, and not be able to translate appropriate!

best wishes!

28 Februaro 2009 18:24

lilian canale
Nombro da afiŝoj: 14972
OK, but by "Men of Earth" you mean:
(fellow) countrymen/compatriot (from the same country)
earthmen (inhabitants of the Earth)?

28 Februaro 2009 18:32

Nombro da afiŝoj: 35
earthmen - inhabitants of the Earth

28 Februaro 2009 18:36

lilian canale
Nombro da afiŝoj: 14972
I've edited and set a poll.

28 Februaro 2009 23:26

Nombro da afiŝoj: 159
how are you brave men.ore how are you venerable