79 Lingua originale so tell me okej. so tell me, what is the situation you are in? I´m not angry, just confused. so tell me! Traduzioni completate HAYDİ SÖYLE BANA | |
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140 Lingua originale mi hai stregato quando ti ho conosciuto quella sera mi sentivo in paradiso e la tua pelle,quando ti sei avvicinato, profumava come una rosa e i tuoi occhi e il tuo sorriso mi hanno stregato.. Traduzioni completate You have bewitched me O gece | |
188 Lingua originaleQuesta richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato". scholl 'Tom' No answer.
Well,I know.It's jam. That's what it is.I've told you forty times,if you steal that jam I'll take your skin off.Pass me that little stick.' The stick was in the air, ready to bring down punishment. Traduzioni completate okul.. | |
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375 Lingua originale Tom misses school the old lady went to the open door and stood there,looking out into fhe garden.She couldn't see Tom,so she shouted,'You-u-u---Tom! There was a very small sound behind her,and she turned just in time to catch a small boy by the back of his shirt.'Ah! she said.'I ought to have remembered that cupboard.What we you doing in there?' 'Nothing' 'Nothing? Look at your hands, and look at your mouth.Whatis that red stuff?' 'I don't know, Aunt.' Traduzioni completate Tom dersi kaçırır | |
396 Lingua originale the conductor size actually selected is usually... the conductor size actually selected is usually larger than that based on fusing because of factors such as a. the conductor should have the strengh to withstand an expected mechanical and corrosive abuse during the design life of the grounding installation b.the conductor should have a high enough conductance to prevent any possible dangerous voltage drop during a fault, for the life of the grounding installation c.The need to limit the conductor temperature Traduzioni completate Gerçekte seçilen iletken boyutu | |
237 Lingua originale offerta cliente boliviano innanzitutto ci scusiamo per il ritardo dovuto alle vacanze estive e alle fiere in corso,abbiamo suddiviso l'offerta in due: verniciatura dischi alluminio acquisto materia prima (dischi)
Questo perchè abbiamo bisogno di sapere se i dischi li fornite voi oppure li dobbiamo comprare noi
Traduzioni completate Offer bolivian customer Bolivyalı müşteri | |
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273 Lingua originale Terms for RSS feeds We encourage the use of Christian Today RSS feeds for personal use in a news reader or as part of a non-commercial Web site or blog. We require proper format and attribution whenever Christian Today content is posted on your Web site, and we reserve the right to require that you cease distributing Christian Today content you don't need translate 'Christian Today' Traduzioni completate RSS beslemeleri için anlaşma koşulları | |
232 Lingua originale Technical specifications the contractor is... Technical specifications
The contractor is to prepare a working plan to demonstrate how it is intended to work safely without disrupting the operations of the occupants of neighbouring sites and this is to be agreed with the supervisor before commencement of works. Traduzioni completate Teknik ÅŸartname | |
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91 Lingua originaleQuesta richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato". bilgisayarla alakalı çeviri Your table does not have a primary key defined, you will need to reedit the table to define a substitute key acil Traduzioni completate about computer | |
358 Lingua originale the theory of van der waals we denote by 0 and 0' the points on bodies 1 and 2 for which the separation distance is least and let H be this distance of closest approach.An axis system is erected on 0 with the z axis along the inward normal to body 1 and the(x,y)plane as shown in Fig.4.The orientation of the xy axis system in this plane we will specify shortly.The bodies are assumed smooth and quadratically curved in the neighbourhood of 0 and 0'. Traduzioni completate van der waals teorisi | |
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422 Lingua originale after we got in coontact after we got in contact with several authorities regarding requested matter we unfortunately have to inform you that the customs certificate you got cannot be confirmed by our chamber of commerce. Whether we would send it to the embassy in order to get it signed, we would have to give it to other authorities before.
As this whole procedure would take lots of time and costs we would like to ask you to find out it there is any other possible solution in this matter.
Thank you in advance. Traduzioni completate Talep edilen konuyla ilgili olarak ... | |