Cucumis - Servizio gratuito di traduzione on line
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Traduzioni completate

Lingua originale
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Risultati 94621 - 94640 su circa 105991
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Lingua originale
Inglese Alternative-translations-translation
You mustn't submit two or more alternative translations into the main translation field.

Traduzioni completate
Spagnolo alternativas-traducciones- traducción
Arabo ترجمة- ترجمات- بديلة
Portoghese Alternativas - traduções - tradução
Portoghese brasiliano Alternativas- traduções- tradução
Italiano Alternative-traduzioni
Greco Εναλλακτική-μετάφραση-μεταφράσεις
Russo Варианты перевода
Bulgaro Превод на алтернативните преводи
Turco Alternatifli tercümeler
Catalano Alternatiu-traduccions-traducció
Cinese semplificato 不同版本-译文-翻译。
Tedesco Alternative-Ãœbersetzungen-Ãœbersetzung
Olandese Alternatieve-vertalingen-vertaling
Rumeno Traduceri alternative
Ebraico תרגומים אלטרנטיביים
Giapponese 選択肢 翻訳 翻訳
Serbo Alternativa - prevodi - prevod
Lituano jums
Cinese 替代的-翻譯-翻譯
Polacco Alternatywne-tłumaczenia-tłumaczenie
Danese Alternative oversættelser
Albanese Përkthime- alternative
Ceco Upozornění
Esperanto Eblaj tradukoj
Finlandese Vaihtoehtoinen-käännökset-käännös
Croato Alternative
Svedese Alternativa översättningar
Ungherese Alternatív-fordítás-fordítás
Norvegese Alternativ-oversettelser-oversettelse
Estone Alternatiivsed-tõlked-tõlge
Faroese Alternative-translations-translation
Coreano 양자택일-번역들-번역
Persiano مختلف-ترجمه ها-ترجمه
Islandese Aðrar-þýðingar-þýðing
Slovacco Upozornenie
Curdo Berdêlî-wergêriyan-wergêrî
Afrikaans Alternatiewe-vertaling- vertalings
Hindi वैकल्पिक-अनुवाद-अनुवाद
Thailandese ตัวเผื่อเลือก-ชิ้นงานแปล-การแปล
Nepalese प्रतिपुरक - अनुवादहरु -अनुबाद
Sloveno Alternativni-prevod
Vietnamita Các bản dịch có thể thay thế lẫn nhau.
Lingua originale
Inglese The administration team has decided to remove your translation
The administration team has decided to remove your translation request ( "%t" ). Please understand that we receive many translation requests and we only treat those entered with as much care as possible. Please read our requirements before asking for a new translation (%r).
%t is the title of the translation.
%r will be a quotation of the text to be translated.
%t and %r must be kept unchanged in the translation.

Traduzioni completate
Rumeno Echipa de administratori a decis sa şteargă traducerea dumneavoastră.
Greco η ομάδα διαχείρησης αποφάσισε να αποσύρει την μετάφρασή σας
Catalano L'equip d'administració ha decidit treure la teva traducció
Arabo لقد قرّر فريق الإدارةَ حذف ترجمتك
Olandese De administratie heeft besloten uw aanvraag voor vertaling te verwijderen
Portoghese brasiliano A equipe administradora decidiu remover sua tradução.
Giapponese 管理者グループは、あなたの翻訳を削除することを決定しました
Bulgaro Административният екип реши да отстрани вашия превод.
Turco Yönetim çevirinizi silmeye karar verdi
Portoghese A equipe administradora decidiu remover sua tradução.
Spagnolo El equipo de aministración decidió quitar la traducción
Tedesco Das Administratoren-Team hat entschieden, Ihre Ãœbersetzung zu entfernen
Italiano La squadra di amministrazione ha deciso di rimuovere la tua richiesta di traduzione
Svedese %t
Serbo Administrativni tim je odlucio da ukloni Vas prevod
Ebraico צוות ההנהלה של האתר החליט לבטל את בקשת התרגום שלך
Russo Администрация решила удалить ваш запрос на перевод
Cinese semplificato 管理员已经决定撤消你的翻译
Lituano Saito administracija prieme sprendima pašalinti
Cinese 管理團隊已經決定移除您的翻譯請求
Francese L'équipe d'administration a decidé d'enlever votre demande de traduction
Polacco Administratorzy zdecydowali usunąć Pański przekład
Lettone Administrācijas grupa ir nolēmusi noņemt tavu tulkojumu
Danese Administrationen har besluttet at fjerne din oversættelse
Albanese Ekipi administrues vendosi të mënjanojë perkthimin tuaj
Esperanto La administrantaro decidis forigi vian tradukpeton.
Finlandese Järjestelmänvalvojaryhmä päätti poistaa käännöksesi
Ceco Administrátorský tým se rozhodnul odstranit váš překlad
Ungherese Az adminisztrációs csapat úgy döntött, hogy törli a fordításodat
Croato Vladna ekipa je odlucila da izbrise vas prjevod
Bosniaco Administrativni tim je odlucio da ukloni Vas prevod
Norvegese Administrasjonsteamet har bestemt seg for å slette din oversettelse
Estone Administreeriv tiim on otsustanud sinu tõlke eemaldada
Coreano 관리팀이 당신의 번역을 제거하기로 결정하였습니다
Persiano گروه مدیریت تصمیم به حذف ترجمه شما گرفته است
Slovacco Administrátorsky tím sa rozhodol odstrániť Váš preklad
Curdo Koma admînstrîsiyonê biryar da ku daxwaziya wergêrî..
Afrikaans Die administratiewe span het besluit om u vertaling te verwyder
Irlandese Tá socraithe ag an fóirne riailtais d'iarratais aistriúcháin a bhaint
Hindi व्यवस्थापकों के दल ने आपके अनुवाद अनुरोध को हटाने का फैसला किया है
Nepalese प्रशासन समुहद्वरा तपाईंको अनुवाद हटाउने निर्णय भएको छ
Sloveno Prevajalska skupina se je odločila, da odstrani vaš prevod
Vietnamita "%t" translation
Urdu انتظامیہ نے آپ کے ترجمہ کو حذف کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے
Thailandese ทีมฝ่ายบริหารตัดสินใจนำคำแปลของคุณออก
Lingua originale
Arabo الوجدان الانساني
الوجدان الانساني

Traduzioni completate
Francese je pense
Lingua originale
Inglese 5000 members
[b]M[/b]ore than 5000 members have registered with and it's the opportunity to remind that without its members is nothing. Thanks to the members who spend part of their spare time for the community and [b]a special thanks to the experts of cucumis[/b], who check and edit all translations to make them as good as possible.
Waiting for the 10000th member, there is a lot of work to do here, making the interface more clear, the search of translations more easy, developing the project section, and the language course section too...

[img=]Top chart: number of members. Bottom chart: number of new members each day[/img] [img=]Members by country[/img]

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese 5000 Membros
Portoghese brasiliano 5000 membros
Bulgaro 5000 члена
Italiano 5000 membri
Tedesco 5000 Mitglieder
Francese 5000 membres
Olandese 5000 leden
Spagnolo 5000 miembros
Arabo 5000 عضو
Russo 5000 участников
Turco 5000 üye
Ebraico 5000 מנוים
Catalano 5000 membres
Rumeno 5000 de membri
Cinese semplificato 5000会员
Giapponese 登録メンバー5000人
Esperanto 5000 anoj
Albanese 5000 anëtarë
Svedese 5000 medlemmar
Lingua originale
Inglese Check-translated-title
Check that you haven't only translated the title.

Traduzioni completate
Italiano Verifica - tradotto - titolo
Arabo دقّق - مترجمة -عنوان
Portoghese Averiguar - tradução - título
Portoghese brasiliano Averiguar - tradução - título
Olandese Controleer-vertaald-titel
Spagnolo Comprobar-traducción-título
Greco Ελέξτε-μεταφράσατε-τίτλο
Cinese semplificato 确保-翻译-标题
Russo Проверьте перевод названия
Bulgaro Проверка-преведено заглавие
Turco Başlık tercümesi kontrolü
Catalano Comprovar-traducció-títol
Rumeno Verificaţi dacă nu aţi tradus doar titlul.
Ebraico וודא-מתורגמת-כותרת
Tedesco Sicherstellen-Titel-übersetzt
Giapponese chekku
Svedese kolla så att du inte bara har översatt titeln.
Serbo Proverite - preveden - naslov
Vietnamita Kiểm tra dịch tựa đề.
Albanese kontrollo perkthimin e titullit
Lituano Pavadinimas
Cinese 檢查-標題-已翻譯
Polacco Sprawdź-tłumaczony-tytuł
Danese Ikke kun titel
Esperanto Kontrolu-tradukis-titolo
Finlandese Tarkista-käännetty-otsikko
Croato Provjerite ...
Ungherese Ellenörizze-forditàs-cim
Ceco Zkontroluj si -přeložený -název
Norvegese Sjekk-oversatt-tittel
Estone Kontrolli-tõlgitud-pealkiri
Faroese kanna-umset-yvirskriftina
Coreano 점검-번역-제목
Hindi जाँचें - अनुवादित - शीर्षक
Slovacco Zkontroluj si,jesli či nepreložil len názov.
Persiano بررسی-ترجمه شده-عنوان
Islandese Athuga-þýtt-titill
Afrikaans Kontroleer dat u nie net die titel vertaal het nie.
Nepalese जँच्नुहोस् - अनुवादित - शीर्षक
Sloveno Preveri-prevod-naslova
Urdu عنوان کے ترجمہ کی جانچ
Thailandese ตรวจสอบ-การแปล-หัวข้อ
Lingua originale
Inglese objectives...
to develop women`s condition in the camp from various political,social,cultural and economical aspects,which comes by providing rehabilitation and training in these fields
to enhance her part[cipation in public life and increase her awareness of the national issues especially the issue of the palestinian refugees
to enhance and enable women`s political participation and support her represintation in the camp`s public organizations through increasing the awarness of her political rights,especially her right to participation in elections and to be nominated for general and leading positions
:target category
women of jalazon camp

Traduzioni completate
Francese camp jalazon
Lingua originale
Inglese Represent-below-possible
The title must represent the text below as well as possible.

Traduzioni completate
Italiano Riassumere-sopra-possibile
Portoghese brasiliano Representa-acima-possível
Portoghese Representar-possível-abaixo
Albanese Përfaqëson-mëposhtëm-e mundur
Tedesco Repräsentieren-unten-möglich
Russo Отображать-следующий-полно
Croato Predstavljati-doljnji- moguče
Olandese Uitbeelden-onder-mogelijk
Polacco reprezentować-poniższy-tekst
Arabo يمثّل -أدناه- احتمال
Turco Takdim-aşağıdaki-mümkün
Svedese Skildra-nästa-full
Ebraico לייצג-להלן-אפשרית
Catalano Representar-avall-possible
Spagnolo Representar-abajo-posible
Rumeno reprezintă-mai jos- posibil
Bulgaro Резюмиране – по-долу - възможно
Greco Αντιπροσωπευτικός τίτλος
Cinese semplificato 尽可能与下文相对应
Giapponese 表す 下記 可能な
Serbo Predstavljati - dole - moguce
Danese Repræsenter-nedenfor-godt
Esperanto Reprezenti-suba-eble
Finlandese Esittää-alla-mahdollinen
Norvegese Representere-neden-mulig
Coreano 대표-아래-가능한
Ceco nadpis-reprezentuje-následující
Persiano بیان-زیر-امکان
Slovacco vystihovať-text-nižšie
Afrikaans Verteenwoordig-onder-moontlik
Hindi वर्णन करें--निम्नलिखित
Vietnamita Tiêu đề phải đại diện cho các văn bản dưới đây cũng như có thể.
Lingua originale
Inglese You've asked for a translation
You've asked for a translation from "%a" to "%b".
%a and %b must be kept unchanged, they are names of languages

Traduzioni completate
Rumeno AÅ£i cerut o traducere
Arabo لقد سألت عن الترجمة
Olandese U hebt om een vertaling gevraagd
Portoghese brasiliano Você solicitou uma tradução.
Greco Έχετε ζητήσει μετάφραση
Giapponese あなたは翻訳を依頼しました。
Bulgaro Вие помолихте за превод
Portoghese Solicitou uma tradução
Spagnolo Has pedido una traducción
Catalano Has demanat una traducció
Tedesco Sie haben um eine Ãœbersetzung gebeten.
Italiano hai chiesto una traduzione
Ebraico בקשת חרגום מ-"a%" ל-"b%".
Svedese Du efterfrågade en översättning
Cinese semplificato 你已经申请了一个翻译要求
Turco çeviri
Serbo Trazili ste prevod
Vietnamita Ban da goi mot yeu cau dich thuat.
Inglese You've asked for a translation
Albanese Ju keni kërkuar një përkthim
Lituano Prašoma jūsų vertimo
Cinese 您提出了翻譯的要求
Polacco Poprosiliscie o tlumaczenie
Danese Der er bedt om en oversættelse fra "%a" til "%b".
Russo вы просили перевести
Esperanto Vi petis unu tradukaĵon
Finlandese Olet pyytänyt käännöksen
Ceco Byli jste požádáni o překlad
Croato Trazili ste prevod
Ungherese Kérjük, hogy fordítson "%a"rol "%b"ra
Norvegese Du har spurt om en oversettelse
Estone Oled esitanud tõlkesoovi
Coreano 번역을 요청 하셨습니다.
Hindi आप अनुवाद के लिए पूछा हैं
Slovacco Požadoval si preklad z % do %.
Persiano شما درباره یک ترجمه جدید سوال نموده بودید
Curdo de wergerek xwest
Afrikaans U het vir 'n vertaling gevra
Irlandese Tá aistriúchán uait ó "%a" go "%b".
Thailandese คุณถูกร้องขอให้แปลงาน
Nepalese तपाईं ले अनुवाद को लागि सोध्नु भएको छ ।
Sloveno Zaprosili ste za prevod
Urdu آپ نے ایک ترجمہ دریافت کیا ہے
Lingua originale
Portoghese brasiliano vida amor confiança equilíbrio
vida amor confiança equilíbrio
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traduzioni completate
Greco ζωή αγάπη εμπιστοσύνη ισορροπία
Lingua originale
Inglese Automatically-translation-administrator.
This is the list of the number of characters needed to translate an English text of 100 characters to each language. These values determine the cost (number of points) of each text submitted. The values are automatically improved and upgraded each time a translation is accepted by an Expert or an Administrator.

Traduzioni completate
Esperanto aÅ­tomate-traduko-administranto
Francese Nécessaires-automatiquement-administrateur
Tedesco Automatisch-Ãœbersetzung-Administrator.
Catalano Automàticament-traducció-administrador
Spagnolo Automáticamente-traducción-administrador
Giapponese Automatically-translation-administrator.
Olandese Automatisch-vertaling-administrator.
Arabo آليا-ترجمة-اداري.
Turco Otomatikman - .çeviri - yönetici
Bulgaro Автоматичен - превод - администратор
Rumeno Automatic-traducere-administrator
Portoghese Administrador de tradução automática
Ebraico תרגום - אוטומטי - מנהל מערכת
Italiano Automatica-traduzione-amministratore
Russo Автоматически-перевод-администратор
Albanese Automatikisht-përkthim-administrator
Svedese Automatisk-översättning-admin
Finlandese Automaattisesti-käännös-valvoja
Serbo Automatski-prevod-administrator
Danese Automatisk-oversættelse-administrator.
Cinese semplificato 自动-翻译-管理员.
Greco Αυτόματα-μετάφραση-υπεύθυνος.
Croato Automatski-prevod-administrator
Cinese 所需點數-積分由管理員自動累加
Polacco Automatyczne-tłumaczenie-administrator
Inglese Automatically-translation-administrator
Ungherese Szükségesek-automatikusan-adminisztràtor
Norvegese Automatisk-oversettelse-administrator.
Coreano 자동적으로-번역-관리자
Ceco Automaticky-překlad-administrátorem
Persiano خودکار-ترجمه-مدیر
Portoghese brasiliano Esta é a lista do número de caracteres...
Slovacco Automatika - preklad- administrátor
Islandese Sjálfvirkur-þýðingar-kerfisstjóri
Ucraino Автоматично-переклад-адміністратор
Irlandese Uathoibríoch-aistriúchán-riarthóir
Afrikaans Outomaties-vertaal-administrateur
Hindi खुद ब खुद-अनुवाद-प्रशासक
Sloveno avtomatsko-prevod-administrator
Vietnamita Đây là danh sách
Lingua originale
Inglese Frequently-questions-information
Here you will find our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and information you might want to know about Cucumis.

Traduzioni completate
Esperanto oftaj-demandoj-informo
Francese Foire-Aux-Questions
Tedesco Häufig-Fragen-Informationen
Russo Часто-вопросы-информация
Catalano Preguntes-freqüents-informació
Giapponese Frequently-questions-information
Spagnolo Preguntas-frecuentes-información
Olandese Herhaaldelijk-vragen-informatie
Turco Sıkça-sorular-bilgi
Sloveno pogosta vprašanja infomacije
Arabo اسئلة-غالبا-معلومات
Italiano Domande-ricorrenti-informazioni
Bulgaro Често - въпроси - данни
Rumeno Frecvente-întrebări-informaţii
Portoghese Perguntas frequentes
Ebraico שאלות נפוצות - מידע - FAQ
Albanese shpesh-pyetje-të dhëna
Polacco Here you will find..
Svedese Vanligaste-frågor-info
Finlandese Usein-kysymykset-tieto
Serbo Najcesca-pitanja-informacije
Danese Hyppigt-spørgsmål-information
Cinese semplificato 常见-问题-信息
Greco Συχνά-ερωτήσεις-πληροφορίες
Hindi अधिकांशतः–प्रश्न–जानकारी
Ungherese Kérdések piaca
Croato ÄŒesto-postavljana-pitanja
Cinese 常見問題-資訊
Norvegese Ofte spurt-spørsmål-informasjon
Coreano 자주-질문-정보
Ceco Často-kladené-informace
Persiano مکرر-سوالات-اطلاعات
Curdo Pirskirine géleki zan
Slovacco Časté otázky - informácie
Irlandese Ceisteannaí-minic-eolas
Mongolo Ердийн тохиолддог асуултууд-мэдээлэл
Afrikaans gereelde vraag en antwoord informasie
Vietnamita Ở đây bạn
Lingua originale
Inglese Before-translating-submitting
Please take the time to read these pages before translating or submitting a text

Traduzioni completate
Esperanto antaÅ­-tradukado-metado
Francese Commencer-traduire-soumettre
Tedesco Bevor-übersetzen-vorlegen
Catalano Abans-traduir-enviar
Spagnolo Antes-traducir-enviar
Giapponese Before-translating-submitting
Olandese Voordat-vertalen-verzenden
Sloveno pred prevajanjem
Arabo قبل-الترجمة-تقديم
Turco Öncelikle - çeviri - teslim etme
Bulgaro Първоначално - превод - предаване
Rumeno Înainte-traduceţi-trimiteţi
Russo До-переводить-выслать
Portoghese Antes de-traduzir-enviar
Ebraico לפני - תרגום - הגשה
Italiano iniziare-tradurre-inviare
Albanese Perpara-perkthimin-prezantimin
Polacco Przed dodaniem tekstu
Svedese Innan-översätt-skicka
Finlandese Ennen-kääntämistä-lähettämistä
Serbo Pre-prevodjenja-podnosenja
Cinese semplificato 之前-翻译-递交
Greco Πριν-μεταφράζοντας-υποβάλλοντας
Danese Før-oversættelse-afsendelse
Ungherese Kezdeni-forditani-leadni
Croato Prije-prevođenje-predati
Cinese 在翻譯-提出待譯內容之前
Norvegese Før-oversettir-sender inn
Coreano 전에-번역-제출
Ceco Před-překladem-zadáním
Persiano پیش از-ترجمه-پیشنهاد
Curdo Destpêka şandina wergerê
Slovacco Pred prekladaním zadávaním
Irlandese Roimh-aistriú-iarraidh
Afrikaans Voor-vertaling-indiening
Mongolo Заавартай танилцах
Hindi किसी पाठ को अनुवाद
Vietnamita Xin vui lòng
Lingua originale
Inglese Meaning-rather-translate
If you are not sure about the meaning of a text, you'd rather not translate it

Traduzioni completate
Esperanto signifo-pli-ŝatus-traduki
Francese N'êtes-préférons-traduisiez
Tedesco Bedeutung-raten-übersetzen
Russo Означает-рекомендуется-переводить
Catalano Significat-recomanem-traduir
Spagnolo Significado-recomendamos-traducción
Giapponese Meaning-rather-translate
Olandese Betekenis-liever-vertalen
Turco Anlam-tercihen-çevirmek
Sloveno pomen - raje - prevod
Arabo معنى-بالأحرى-ترجم
Bulgaro Значение - предпочитание - превеждане
Rumeno Înţeles-preferăm-traduceţi
Portoghese Significado-ao invés de-traduzir
Ebraico משמעות - עדיף - לתרגם
Italiano Significato-preferire-tradurre
Albanese kuptimin-me mire se-perkthim
Polacco If you are not sure..
Svedese Mening-helst-översätta
Serbo Znacenje-savet-prevod
Cinese semplificato 含义-不要-翻译
Greco Νόημα-καλύτερα-μεταφράζω
Portoghese brasiliano Significado - recomendamos - tradução
Danese Meningen-oversættelse
Finlandese Tarkoitus-jättää-kääntämättä
Cinese 譯文必須忠於原文
Ungherese Nem-jobban szeretnénk-forditson
Croato Značenje-radije-prevoditi
Norvegese Mening-heller-oversette
Coreano 의미-하는게 좋다-번역
Ceco Význam-spíše-překládali
Persiano معنی-سریع تر-ترجمه
Curdo Wate-nebawer-werger
Slovacco Význam - radšej - prekladať
Irlandese Ciall-b’fhearr-aistriú
Afrikaans Betekenis-nie-vertaal
Mongolo Орчуулганы утга- зааварчлал
Hindi अर्थ-बेहतर है-अनुवाद
Vietnamita Nếu bạn không chắc chắn về ý nghĩa của một văn bản, chúng tôi muốn bạn không dịch được nó
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